CCC 2012 Summer Open Table Tennis Tournament
休士頓中華文化服務中心2012 年夏季乒乓球賽

Date : Saturday, August 25, 2012
日期 : 2012 年 8 月25 日 (星期六)

Place : Chinese Community Center (Multi-purpose Gymnasium)
地點 : 休士頓中華文化服務中心, 多功能體育館
9800 Town Park, Houston, Texas 77036

Format: Giant Round Robin
比賽形式 : 循環制

Entry Fee: $25 (CCC members $20), lunch included
報名費 : $25 (CCC 會員$20), 備有午餐

Registration Form: Available at the Chinese Community Center or can be downloaded from the website at

報名表 : 上網 自行下載或印表. 或至中華文化服務中心領取

Registration deadline: August 21, 2012 (Maximum of 68 entries)
報名截止日期 : 2012 年8 月21 日(比賽人數限于68 人)

Registration Hours : Coach Perry Tsao, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
文化中心接受報名時間 : 曹有培教練 星期二, 四, 六 下午一時至五時

Award: Division A: 1st place = $200, 2nd place = $150, 3rd place = $75, 4th place = $75 Trophies for 1st and 2nd places in all divisions, A thru E.
獎金 : A 組第一, $200 ; A 組第二, $150 ; A 組第三, $75 ; A 組第四, $75 每組(A組 – E 組) 前二名得到獎盃

Children under 6 years old are not allowed in the Gymnasium and must be directly supervised by an adult in the Chinese Community Center facility at all time.
六歲以下兒童不可進入比賽場地, 在中華文化中心內,必須隨時有家長陪同

Visit Chinese Community Center website at for event details and entry form or contact Frank Cheng [email protected] 281-919-9576
詳情請洽鄭大展. [email protected] 281-919-9576