Business Ambassador Program Launched  

The District has launched a new business ambassador program aimed at helping business owners and managers to increase sales. The program has several components including Show and Grow Your Business workshops at area shopping centers, a shopping and dining guide map with coupons and discounts from area businesses and a Business of the Month campaign.

Area shopping center owners who’d like to host one of the upcoming Show and Grow Your Business workshops should contact District staff. The seminars occur every 3rd Thursday of the month from 2:00 to 3:30. The seminars will feature area experts in marketing, accounting, human resources, legal services and more. Share this information with your tenants and encourage them to get involved!

Space is still available in the upcoming Shopping and Dining Guide but filling up fast! Business owners and managers need to contact District staff as soon as possible in order to be in the guide, don’t miss out. The Business of the Month campaign is to showcase area businesses who are making a difference in our community by refurbishing their shopping centers, storefront business tenants who are providing exceptional customer service, businesses who are giving back by donating to community partners and more. If you know of a business who needs to be recognized please contact District staff so we can recognize our businesses for their efforts.

Think globally, Act locally- Support our local business!