From funding extra security patrols to promoting new businesses, removing litter and displaying public art, the International Management District takes actions that produce immediate results.
But the District also invests in the future, as shown by the $2,500 college scholarships it provided to each of four outstanding students who graduated from different Alief Independent School District high schools a few weeks ago.
“I am pleased that the District has once again been able to fund college scholarships for these very deserving AlSD students. Supporting our graduates in this very diverse district can help make college a reality to some, but I believe it also enriches our whole community,” District board member and Alief resident Karen Loper said. “I look forward to the continuing close relationship between the International District and AISD and its students.”
The District provided the money to the Alief ISD Education Foundation, which selected the scholarship winners based on financial need, academic achievement, community service, leadership and school activities.
The recipients are:

Caelan Nguyen
Caelan Nguyen – Kerr High School
Caelan was an active member of the National Honor Society, Kerr Paws No Tiger Left Behind, student council, the Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society, and more. She follows her passion for the medical field, having volunteered at the JF Southwest Heart Clinic and organized a blood drive through the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center.
As she grew up, she would listen to stories that her mother, a phlebotomist, would tell about her patients and the struggles with the nation’s healthcare system. She aspires to be a medical researcher and apply her abilities to the societal conflicts in healthcare.
“Caelen adds value to the world around her. She knows exactly what future she wants, and her strong ambition will help her to reach her goals,” said Kerr teacher Stefan San Miguel.
Caelan will attend Texas A&M University and major in chemical engineering.

Jesutodimu Fadare, right, with Craig Eichhorn
Jesutodimu Fadare – Hastings High School
Jesutodimu always knew he wanted to enter the medical field but which occupation to pursue. Once he entered the pharmacy technician program during his junior year of high school, he knew that he had found his true interest.
He said she chose the field of pharmacy because he is fascinated with the way medicines are composed and how they fight various diseases. He was an honor roll student throughout all his high school years and a member of the National Science Honor Society.
Jesutodimu ranks 46th in his class and has been accepted into the College of Natural Sciences at the University of Texas in Austin.
Esther Atani – Alief Early College High School
Esther has always been fascinated by how the human brain functions and why individuals act the way they do. She grew up in a Third World country without internet access and could not satisfy this curiosity until she was brought to the United States in time for her 7th grade.
While in high school she took multiple psychology-based courses at Houston Community College. She was on the HCC Dean’s list and found time to participate in the Future Business Leaders of America. Her group finished third in the nation and qualified for the Texas Alliance for Minorities in Engineering competition.
Esther will attend the University of North Texas in the fall.
Oluwadara Adebanjo – Elsik High School
Oluwadara was a member of the honor roll throughout high school and a strong competitor in state and national speech and debate competitions. She was ranked number one in Texas in Oral Interpretation in 2022 and number one in 2023 in dramatic interpretation. She placed third in the nation at the Harvard University Speech and Debate Tournament in 2023 and fifth in the nation at the National Speech and Debate Tournament in 2022. She has a strong interest in studying philosophy and law while creating advocacy projects through means such as film.
Oluwadara will take the interdisciplinary studies track at the Gallatin School of Liberal Arts at New York University.
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