Dear Alief ISD Key Communicator,

I would like to take the opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year! As we start the second half of what is shaping up to be an outstanding school year, I want to thank you for your continued support of the Alief Independent School District and for serving as a Key Communicator. We started the year off on a high note by being one of only a few large districts in the state that met the federal Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) requirements and earned a Recognized rating from the Texas Education Agency. This momentum should carry us through the second half of the school year as we face the challenge of administering the first STAAR and EOC (End of Course) exams this semester. In the upcoming weeks, you will be hearing more about how we plan to successfully tackle these new academic assessments.

Of course, the success of our students and our school district depends greatly on the support of our School Board who is made up of concerned community members just like you. January is School Board Recognition Month in Texas and an ideal time to focus on the crucial role an elected board of trustees plays in our communities and schools. More than 7,200 locally-elected school board members serve-without pay-in 1,034 school districts across the state. These board members voluntarily tackle the enormous job of governing Texas school districts because they care about the future of Texas schoolchildren. They work closely with parents and educators to develop sound education policies and set high standards for student success.

Here in Alief, we want our Board Members to know how much we appreciate their dedication and hard work. As you drive around the district, you will see messages on the school marquees that express our gratitude to the seven men and women who serve on the Alief ISD Board of Trustees. At our January Board Meeting, there will be a special presentation in their honor. We realize their contributions reflect a year-round commitment. They selflessly give of themselves to ensure that decisions directly affecting our schools are made by representatives of this community. In these challenging times, they face difficult choices and shoulder critical respon­sibilities. Their ultimate goal is always focused on the future success of every student enrolled in the district.

Our district is enriched by the contributions of these Alief community members who truly care about our students. Serving as a crucial link between the community and classroom, our Board is responsible for an annual budget of $250 million, nearly 46,000 students, 6,400 employees and 44 campuses.

This biennium is posing a great challenge to all school trustees after the Texas Legislature cut funding for public education by $5.4 billion. Thankfully, decisions made by the Alief School Board in recent years put our district in a better financial position than many other districts. You can rest assured that our Board Members will be looking at every opportunity to maintain educational standards as legislative support decreases.

I hope you will join me in applauding their efforts to serve as advocates for our children and the voice of public education.



HD Chambers

Superintendent of Schools