Dear Friends:
I have much to share; please bear with me as this is a lengthy newsletter. Dating as much information as possible is essential to address the various constituent issues within the office and the community.
Several public infrastructure projects are happening within District F, and I want to share meaningful updates below. I met with Houston Public Works to discuss several significant projects; please review the updates below.
Westpark Expansion: Unfortunately, the contractor Boyer damaged the irrigation system in Westpark Village Subdivision. This was reported by the HOA and resolved on March 31. If you would like to monitor the progress of this project. Please visit here.
Alief Lift Station: The voters approved this CIP project in November’s election cycle, supporting the funding to improve our utility system. This project has started, and we expect completion in 2024. Learn more here.
Boone and Hackberry Park (drainage project): As many may recall, District F was awarded a community development block – mitigation grant from the General Land Office to increase detention through our parks. This project is currently in design and awaiting approval from the state. As soon as I have a meaningful update, I will share it.
Briarmeadow Connectivity Study: In 2021, members of the HOA worked with my office and the Planning Department to increase safety through the Connectivity Study. This project is scheduled to start on May 8, weather permitting. Stay tuned for a notice to proceed.
Carver Crest: Notice to proceed for the street overlay on Jarvis and Clarkcrest will begin on April 6 and will last 21 days, weather permitting. Council district service funds sponsored this project, costing $178,000.
Wellington Park Townhomes: Notice to proceed was issued on March 28 for the long-awaited speed bumps. Construction will begin on April 15 and is expected to end on May 5. DG Medina is firm.
Learn more about all street, waste, water, and drainage projects at
CALL TO ACTION (DO): My office and the city’s lobby team are monitoring several house bills as it relates to our local priorities. I want to bring your attention and action to Senate Bill 149, House Bill 1247, Senate Bill 577, and House Bill 2127. Sample letters are available for your use and a description of each bill. Please read and learn how these bills limit local control and my ability to respond directly to your constituent priorities.
CALL TO ACTION (ATTEND): Deed Restriction Workshop
I am hosting a deed restriction workshop for homeowners on Saturday, April 29, in partnership with the Law Office of Rice and Rice and Frost Bank at HCC Hayes Rd at the West Houston Institute. Please prioritize this event: Register here and bring two neighbors with you. As of April 4, 2023, we have 50 individuals registered; help me reach the goal of 100 and get two neighbors to attend. We need to take full advantage of the resource provided.
CALL TO ACTION (SHARE): Summer is soon approaching, which means we must prepare to open our public pools, and we need your help to secure lifeguards.
Lifeguards are $16, Headguards $18, and Aquatic Center Supervisors at $20. A hiring incentive of $500.00, of which $250 will be payable on the first check and $250 after the summer. Please share with the high school and college students you have access to. I have placed the links below for easy access.
Lifeguard: please click here.
Head Lifeguard: click here.
Aquatic Center Supervisor: click here.
The pool season-opening event will be at Alief Park pool on Saturday, May 27, at 10:00 am. I hope to see you all there with sunscreen and your favorite summer swimwear.
Let’s Talk Public Safety
No good deed goes unpunished. As we close one after hours, another one opens. In deep partnership with Midwest HPD and residents in Tanglewilde, we are working through a plan to address noise violations and other issues. As of April 3, Midwest HPD visited Michaels Furniture at 9373 Richmond shopping center to address the noise violations and met with the owner. Midwest will continue to monitor the issue. Although it can be slow, please continue to call non-emergency and report the breach so it can be documented on their end.
On the other side of the district, a few residents have reported street food vendors and the litter and trash left behind on Town Park. Westside HPD is working with the Houston Health Department to address this issue, and we hope to remediate this issue long term. Eleven citations were issued. Again, HPD is working on educating the vendors, and we hope this ends the problem.
Let’s Talk Community Events
- Sunday, May 7, from 12–4 pm, CIGNA Sunday in the Park
- SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, May 20th Health Fair at Alief Neighborhood Center
- SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, May 27 at 10 am, Pool Season Opener
- SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, June 3, Pet Pantry benefiting the Empty Shelter Project; volunteers sign up via [email protected]
Chag Sameach, Happy Easter and Eid Mubarak to all!

Councilmember Thomas |
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