Vol. 3, Issue 5 – 03.04.22
Dear District F,
Earlier this week, I joined Mayor Sylvester Turner and HPD Chief Troy Finner for a press conference announcing March on Crime activities throughout March. In partnership with HPD, we will provide a host of resources to residents to educate and prepare themselves regarding crime and domestic violence. If your HOA or civic club has an upcoming meeting and would like these materials, please email us at [email protected] to get them to you. Many of you joined us for our first public safety town hall with HPD Chief Finner this past summer.
I am hosting another this June, where he will discuss his One Safe Houston plan and update us on his strategy to arrest and charge some of Houston’s most violent criminals.
Keeping in line with the theme of public safety, my office, in conjunction with the Department of Planning and the Mayor’s Office of Complete Communities, is working on a street light initiative to support public safety and quality of life priorities. In the coming days, we will ask for your feedback in helping us identify additional locations that would benefit from street lights.
If you recently had an HOA election and have new directors, please update your contact information with my office. For my office to broadly communicate updates and efforts on your behalf, we must have your updated contact information.
I am receiving several sidewalk applications and happily processing all of them through Houston Public Works; however, if you are an individual requesting speed bumps, please coordinate with your HOA (if applicable). Once an application is complete, your neighborhood is not eligible to re-apply for another three years. My office will work with you and your HOA to ensure everyone is on the same page and understands the guidelines to minimize confusion.
Last year, the Department of Neighborhoods hosted the first Complete Communities University, and District F had four graduates trained to activate in their respective neighborhoods. The second cohort began on Tuesday, March 2nd, and we have three participants from our district. Congratulations, Deborah Brooks, Shavon Morris, Mellissa Martinez.
I am looking forward to your contributions.
Lastly, I want to acknowledge Women’s History Month. District F is full of women leading in their homes, workplaces, and communities, often remaining nameless. Thank you for your courage to climb barriers, succeed, and do well. I am honored to know and serve you. I have the pleasure of serving our great city with my female colleagues on the city council from District A to K.
If my office can be of additional support, please do not hesitate to reach out to the District F staff or me.

Council Member Tiffany D. Thomas
On Thursday March 3, 2022 CM Thomas, Parks & Recreations Director Kenneth Allen, and Super Neighborhood 25 leaders particpated in a ground breaking ceremony at Harwin Park. Of the six parks in District F, Harwin Park is one of the oldest parks and is finally receiving the neccessary upgrades to the playground equipment. Thank you to all who played a part in this people-led project.
The City of Houston tested for chromium-6 in 2013 – 2014 as part of EPA’s Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring R ha conducted additional testing between 2017 at the groundwater where chromium-6 was detected .
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires EPA to determine the level of contaminants in drinking water at which no adverse health effects are likely to occur. EPA has not created a drinking water standard for chromium-6 by itself but does have a drinking water standard for total chromium, which includes chromium-6. In order to ensure that the greatest potential risk is addressed, EPA 100 percent chromium-6, the form of chromium USEPA’s drinking water standard 100 parts per billion (ppb) highest of chromium-6 observed in the 8.0 ppb
More information regarding chromium in drinking water, including EPA’s responses to Frequently Asked Questions, can be found on EPA’s website: https://www.epa.gov/dwstandardsregulations/chromium-drinking- water. |
The 2022 Summer Food Service Program, sponsored by the Parks and Recreation Department, will operate from June 13 through August 12 for youth ages 1 to 18.
Calling all churches, apartment complexes, learning centers, schools or other nonprofit groups in your district desiring to participate. We extend an invitation to apply for the Summer Food Service Program no later than March 11, 2022.
Organization’s representative(s) should call 713-676-6832 to obtain information or email Rummeka Allen at [email protected]. Please contact [email protected] to let us know that you will apply.
The Summer Food Service Program is a federally funded program coordinated by the Texas Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Division. More information is available on the Parks and Recreation Web site at www.houstonparks.org |
Applications are now live for the Mayor’s Hire Houston Youth summer program. All youth ages 16 to 24 in the Houston area can apply for paid jobs and internships in many kinds of industries, non-profit organizations and businesses as well as City of Houston government. Visit https://hirehoustonyouth.force.com/s/youth-registration to apply. Application closes on March 11, 2022.
The program gives young people an opportunity to learn or build their job skills, network, earn a paycheck, and even save for college. This year, we have a goal of 12,000 jobs and we can’t reach that goal without your help. Help District F shine and encourage our youth and employers to participate.
Are you an employer looking for summer interns? Apply to be an employer here. |
February 23, 2022
Item #5– Motion passed to approve the final Contract Amount of $8,373,042.49 or 4.50% under the original Contract Amount, accept the Work and authorize final payment. This project was part of the City’s Water Line Replacement Program and was required to replace and upgrade water lines within the City to increase availability of water, improve circulation and fire protection.The project was awarded to Reytec Construction Resources, Inc. with an original Contract Amount of $8,768,180.00. The project consisted of 114 locations in Districts C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J and K.
Item #6– Motion passed to approve the final Contract Amount of $8,768,729.14 or 2.13% over the original Contract Amount, accept the Work and authorize final payment. This project was part of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement program and was required to meet the need to improve wastewater treatment plants.The project was awarded to Industrial TX, Corp. with an original Contract Amount of $8,585,540.00. The project area is located at 13525 West Houston Center Boulevard.
Item #32– Ordinance approved to appropriate $75,000.00 from the Contributed Capital Project Fund (Fund 4515) and an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between the City of Houston and Houston Parks Board LGC, Inc. (HPB) for the construction of improvements to the Shadowlake HOA trail.
The City and HPB will enter into an agreement to outline each parties’ financial and operational responsibilities for the construction of improvements to the Shadowlake HOA trail. The project consists of approximately 1500 LF of concrete trail from the Brays Bayou HCFCD control device west along Brays Bayou turning north along the tributary to a point at the edge of the Westpark Drive city ROW for the Shadowlake HOA.
HPB will serve as project manager and is responsible for coordinating the design and construction of improvements. The total cost of the project is $225,000.00. Council district F is committed to contributing $75,000.00 in Council District Service Funds, and the HOA is committing $150,000.00.
On March 3, 2022 Mayor Sylvester Turner and HPD Police Chief conducted a press conference at the conclusion of the newest 2022 HPD Cadet Class. Mayor Turner and Chief Finner announced a contract proposal for HPD Officers that would increase their pay by 10.5% over the course of 3 years. Not only did Mayor Turner discuss the contract proposal, he discussed changes in disciplinary action for crimes committed by HPD officers.
For more information and full article click here.
AARP has supported challenge grants since 2017 for organizations to apply for small grants to fund quick-action projects that can help communities become more livable for people of all ages. This year, applications will be accepted for projects to improve public spaces, housing, transportation and civic engagement; support diversity, equity and inclusion; build engagement for programs under new federal laws; and pursue innovative ideas that support people age 50 or older. For more information click here.
At the lower right side of the front page, is a link to a webinar held earlier. It is informative in giving information, answering questions and showcasing a couple of projects that have been funded. |

On March 1, 2022 Mayor Sylvester Turner and HPD Police Chief conducted a press conference to announce the kick off the 38th Annual March on Crime. This years march on crime will emphasize the increase of domestic violence and road rage relaeted crimes.
For more information on how to get involves please click the link here.
Public Service Recognition Week is celebrated the first week of May since 1985 (beginning on the first Sunday of the month) to honor the men and women who serve our nation as federal, state, county and local government employees. The city of Houston hosts several events including a poster contest, essay contest, a kickball tournament, the Mayor’s Service Awards, and the Bravo Awards. The following details are for a scholarship contest for high school Houston area seniors to win up to $2,000.
WHO: High school seniors in the Greater Houston Area
ESSAY: Write 500 words or less
TOPIC: If you worked for the City of Houston, how would you improve our city? Put yourself in the shoes of a city employee. Choose a specific city job, and propose innovative solutions and programs that would benefit the city.
DEADLINE: Sunday, March 13, 2022 Submit essays online: www.cohemployeenews.com/essay-contest
HISD is relaxing its mask mandate effective March 1, 2022. Masks within HISD schools, facilities, and school buses will become optional.
Students, staff, and any other HISD stakeholders that may need an additional layer of protection or are exhibiting symptoms of a communicable disease are highly encouraged to wear a mask regardless of vaccination status. Anyone wanting to wear a mask can still request one when entering an HISD building.
The district will continue to monitor all COVID-19 data and trends and will be prepared to update its protocols in the event of community or localized COVID-19 outbreaks and recommendations from health authorities.
HISD remains committed to providing safe in-person learning and working environments by focusing on our COVID-19 mitigation framework and strongly encouraging our communities to leverage COVID-19 testing and vaccination opportunities:
- Free campus COVID-19 PCR testing is available to students and staff who provide a one-time consent to participate in this program. Visit www.HoustonISD.org/HealthAlerts and click on the Get Tested section to sign up, learn more, and check your school’s COVID-19 testing schedule.
- COVID-19 vaccination clinics are hosted weekly on many HISD campuses. Visit www.HoustonISD.org/HealthAlerts and click on the Get Vaccinated section to find a location.
- Additional COVID-19 testing and vaccination opportunities can be found through the Houston Health Department website’s COVID-19 Services & Resources section at houstonemergency.org.
In addition, all HISD facilities will continue to be cleaned and disinfected daily with hospital-grade products. Thank you for your partnership in keeping our students and staff safe. |
The Texas Department of Transportation will conducted a virtual public hearing on March 3, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. CST to receive public comments on the February 2022 Quarterly Revision to the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for FY 2021-2024.
The STIP reflects the federally funded transportation projects in the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs) for each Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) in the state. The STIP includes both state and federally funded projects for the nonattainment areas of Dallas-Fort Worth, El Paso, Houston and San Antonio. The STIP also contains information on federally funded projects in rural areas that are not included in any MPO area, and other statewide programs as listed.
For more information on how to participate, comment and special accommodations visit the STIP Meeting Notice Page. All written comments must be received at the Transportation Planning and Programming office by 4:00 p.m. CST on Monday, March 14, 2022. |
Bee Busy Wellness Center is hosting a career fair today, March 4, 2022 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. located at 10039 Bissonnet St Suite 255 Houston, TX 77036. |

Get ready to ride Tour De Houston is back. The ride will take place on April 3, 2022. This annual event offers Houstonians and visitors a unique way to view the city with bike routes winding through Houston’s historic neighborhoods, scenic districts and parks.
For more information click here.
Houston Public Works has launched a new website which allows the public to follow projects, updates, and leave questions/comments. Please assist us with sharing the link below.
www.engagehouston.org |
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