COVID-19 Business Resilience Webinars
Presenter: Austin Tenette
Austin Tenette is a certified business coach with the Focal Point Coaching organizationand Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Houston Community College. Austin’s practice is focused on accelerating the growth and well-being of business leaders and owners, by focusing on three main areas: strategic direction and execution, customer experience and team dynamics.

Rightsizing and Prioritizing Your Expenses
May 7, 2020
12:00pm – 1:00pm CST
While many are faced with declining revenues, business and personal expenses continue to accumulate. What is your game plan for strategically managing your costs? What are the critical conversations and actions required to ensure your financial viability when we come out of the downturn?
Important but not urgent items in your business
May 14, 2020
12:00pm – 1:00pm CST
What have you been putting off, because you were too busy? Collecting accounts receivable, training of employees, developing/updating critical business processes? Now is the time to invest! Taking time to focus on these forgotten activities s and processes will almost guarantee new sources of revenues and productivity.
Pulling it All Together
May 21, 2020
12:00pm – 1:00pm CST
Overwhelmed by the numerous changes occurring in such a short period of time? You are not alone. In the previous webinars you have taken a deep dive into the various pillars of your business. Let’s take the next step and put together a one-page Resilience Plan, a focused roadmap to get your business back on track and pointed in the right direction.
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