Enter for a chance to win $10,000!
2014 Liftoff Houston Business Plan Competition
Are you an aspiring entrepreneur? Do you have a business idea that could change the world?
Don’t miss this once in a life-time opportunity to test your business idea and get feedback from leaders in the business community.
Liftoff Houston is the City of Houston’s business plan competition which provides startup companies and aspiring entrepreneurs an opportunity to participate in workshops and mentoring, that will ultimately lead them to create an effective business plan. Houstonians that participate in this competition will have an opportunity to pitch their business plan at our pitch event for a chance to win a $10,000 cash prize along with great in-kind prizes to start their business! Now in our 2nd year, Liftoff Houston is brought to you by the City of Houston’s Office of Business Opportunity, the Houston Public Library, and is sponsored by Capital One Bank.
To be eligible, contestants must be in the start-up phase of their business: you have an idea or you are currently operating a business. If currently in operation- it must be for less than one year, with revenue of less than $10,000. Participants must live in the Houston city limits and if currently operating their business, the business must also be within the Houston city limits.
This year there will be three award categories where a winner from each award category will receive a $10,000 cash prize along with in-kind prizes.
1. $10,000 – Awarded for top “Product” Based Business Plan (Retail, resale, merchandise, etc.)
2. $10,000 – Awarded for top “Service” Based Business Plan (Food, labor, consulting, etc.)
3. $10,000 – Awarded for top “Innovation” Based Business Plan (Software, Hardware, inventions, new market businesses, etc.)
Mandatory Orientations
Orientations are required for contestants and will be offered at designated Houston Public Library locations citywide. Orientations will provide interested individuals with detailed information about the competition including rules, resources, and the process to compete. Orientations will start July 12th, 2014 and continue through till July 31st, 2014. To view the list of orientations and RSVP on the Liftoff Houston website visit, www.Liftoffhouston.com.
Noncompeting Individuals
Individuals that do not wish to compete in the competition but would like to attend workshops can do so by emailing Liftoff Houston stating their interest to attend workshops and not participate in pitch day. Liftoff Houston pitch day contestants will be given priority when registering for workshops.
Liftoff Houston/ Houston Business Solutions Center: Telephone: 832-393-0953 or liftoffhouston@houstontx.gov
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