Fred LewisIt’s hard to believe that the summer is nearly over. Here at Texans Together, we are energized and ready for the fall. Here is a sampling of our summer activities, by the numbers:

  • 175 Grassroots Leaders. Empower Houston Leaders (EHL) is finishing up training and mentoring 175 grassroots, lower income leaders in Southwest and South Central Houston. The 175 leaders and our staff are enthusiastic and engaged, and beginning to transition to establishing 130 voter teams as part of our fall plan to contact 13,000 low propensity voters.
  • 9 Hip Hop Music and Voting Events. Matt Sonzala, the premier hip hop promoter in Texas, is arranging with us 9 hip hop events in Southwest and South Houston to promote voting to younger, multi-cultural, lower income residents. The artists will tout voting and voter captains and staff will get pledges to vote, recruit volunteers, and take people to the early voting polls.
  • 2 Focus Groups. We just finished professionally-led focus groups in Alief on what impedes lower income, non-voting minorities from voting in Harris County and what might motivate them to vote. We are learning a lot and finding that there are ways to motivate people.

We have a lot to be optimistic about, and I hope you will stay tuned as we move into the fall campaign season. Thanks, as always, for your support!

Fred L. Lewis
President – Texans Together