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Please join us in helping keep the Boy Scouts working in Alief – Tatanka District by making your pledge of support today!

For more information or to make a donation visit
When making a donation please type the word “Tatanka” in the 2nd address line to make sure that our local Alief area receives the credit for the donation.

If you’d prefer to pay by check please call
Tatanka District Executive Director, Kenny Terrell at 713-259-9982 or [email protected]

International District’s Secret Weapon and most important public safety initiative implemented to date!

Sound crazy? Well it’s not!

As Director of Services, Brian Burks states: “Putting crooks in jail will absolutely not impact area crime long term. You must invest in initiatives that change the mind set of people before they begin to commit crime.” Boy Scouts of America provides a true long term solution to the problem of juvenile delinquency and adult criminal behavior.


The International District has invested over $10,000.00 and leveraged an additional $5,000.00 for Urban Scouting initiatives in 3 geographically distinct area apartment communities within the District. These initiatives are based at Arrowood Apartments (East side), Catalina Apartments (South side) and The Mint Apartments (North side). Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing Crews have been created in each of these communities.


So can scouting really reduce crime or prevent criminal activity? Judge for yourself: at the Mint Apartments where scouting has been in place the longest, the crime rate has dropped by 22%! (Statistics provided by Houston Police Department). Scouting teaches children how to be part of a team, develop leadership skills, and that anything worth having is worth working for!

Credit for this success at The Mint should also go to the local community resource center operated by Texans Together as well as responsible property management; but it seems quite clear that by giving children and young people something constructive to do, positive and long lasting changes can occur.



BoyScouts MintAptsThe Management Team at the Mint Apartments deserves a lot of credit for their work to keep youth out of trouble by supporting a Boy Scout Troop on the property. The Mint is home to Pack 671 and Troop 671 and Crew 671. There are 22 Scouts in the Pack and Troop and 4 Venturers in the Crew. Scout Leaders are Brentis Curlin & Gracie Maybit. The Scouts meet Thursdays from 5 to 6 p.m. in the Texans Together Center located on the property. In recent months the Scouts have participated with Brookdale Senior Living to make repairs and assist with special projects and along with the Hampton Shadowlake Scouts have painted garden tables and benches for the residents. Scouts have also participated in the last Alief Community Parade with Ms. Marie Lee, National Night Out activities and the Grand Opening of IMD location on Bellaire in the Universal Shopping Center this past October.