The International Management District also affords a diverse commercial real estate market with all land uses strongly represented. There are many retail centers along all principal streets, some office space, substantial industrial space in the southeast portion, and over 16,000 apartment units in the District. Average 2010 occupancies were impacted adversely by the economic recession but have been recovering lately.

2010 Real Estate Market Data International Management District
Land Use | No. of Properties | 000 Sq.Ft. (000 Sq.M.) or Units | Avg. Occupancy |
Retail Centers | 115 | 6,097.3 (564.6) | 86.0% |
Office | 15 | 721.9 (66.8) | 89.6% |
Industrial | 94 | 4,681.3 (433.5) | 90.2% |
Apartment | 61 | 16,112 u. | 80.6% |