The ID has created a series of marketing and development programs to help your business grow! We want to help market your business, drive more customers to the International District, and foster more economic growth for our residents and business owners.
The ID has been able to underwrite many of the programs we are developing in order to offer it to ID businesses at little or no costs. As you explore each program, you will see there are great benefits for your business and great opportunities to grow in the ID.
International District Area Street Map and Guide
The ID has printed the second edition for the fold-out style street map and guide with each business in the District listed. The initial street map and guide distributed in 2012 focused on shopping and dining, but future ones will be created that include all businesses such as auto repair, medical/dental, and professional services. They will contain highlights and coupons to help the reader find great businesses in the ID!
We are looking for businesses within the International District to be a part of the Street Map and Guide!
ID Area Shopping and Dining Guide
Shopping and dining are two things that draw customers to explore new areas. The ID will be distributing a shopping and dining guide that highlights the many cultures, cuisines, and goods available in the ID. This guide will be sent by mail to residents surrounding the ID in order to draw new business to the District. The guide will feature editorials, coupons, advertisements, and special lists from businesses in the ID.
Learn more about our shopping and dining guide.
Business Improvement Workshops
The ID will be hosting workshops in the District to help business owners improve their business! Topics include marketing, accounting, legal, HR, location improvements and more. These workshops will be free for the businesses in the District. We will also present a Business Of The Month for the most improved business in the ID!
Online Marketing Opportunities
Online marketing has become a requirement in order to be a successful business, so the ID has created several programs to help improve the online presence of ID businesses. QR Code programs, online interactive maps, and social media programs are just a few of the opportunities available to grow your online presence and bring more customers to your business!