Dear Key Communicators,

As I write this letter, I am excited about joining the Alief ISD family. Alief is known for its pride and heart. I am looking forward to being a part of a legacy of hard-working, committed educators who make our district great by providing quality educational opportunities for students.

I am a lifelong educator. My reason for committing my life to education is because what someone learns can never be taken from them. In addition, educators make everyone around us possible. Education empowers individuals to make things better for themselves and others. It can level the playing field and provide opportunities for students living in poverty to realize their dreams. As our students become stronger readers, writers, and analytical thinkers, their opportunities to take advantage of the American dream are enhanced. Education has the power to change and strengthen future generations.

I know. I am someone who grew up in poverty. But because teachers took an interest in me, challenged me and ensured that I grew and learned academically, I am here today, living my dream. Some of those same teachers gave their personal time to expose me to opportunities that my personal circumstances would not have afforded me. Their selfless giving makes me the husband, father, and educator I am today.

I know that my experience is not unique. In fact, every employee in Alief ISD has the power to transform lives. And that is why I choose to do the work I do.

According to a report from WalletHub, released last Monday, Houston is the most diverse city in the U.S. I love that Alief ISD has such beautiful diversity. I recognize this diversity as a strength that helps us to see life from a variety of different perspectives. Our diversity strengthens our ability to empathize with others and live authentically and practice community.

I look forward to fellowshipping and enjoying meals within our community as we discuss how we can get even stronger as a district and serve our students even better. One of my philosophies is to operate in the spirit of continuous improvement. Even if we are good, we can always strive for greatness. The power of diversity in Alief ISD, where over 90 different languages are spoken, will allow us all to be great as we take advantage of being in this space together.

In the upcoming months, I will spend my time visiting campuses and meeting with our students, teachers, administrators, and families to learn more about Alief ISD. My goal is to learn more about our greatest challenges and points of pride that we want to lean into and celebrate even more. I love watching students learn and grow through active classroom engagement. I recognize teaching and leadership as an art that only a few of us are blessed to engage in daily. With that being said, I look forward to classroom visits. I believe that every moment we have in the classroom or otherwise to impact the lives of our youth is precious, and there should not be a moment wasted as we all work to help students take full advantage of what our society has to offer.

Again, I am excited about our future together, and I look forward to seeing you all in the upcoming weeks! Please take the winter break to spend time with loved ones, and do whatever you do to decompress and recharge your battery. I recognize that our work is very challenging and never ending, so please enjoy your winter break and this well-deserved time.

Dr. Anthony Mays
Alief ISD