Good evening Key Communicators,
We hope you and your family members are as well as possible during this extremely difficult week. We wanted to share some sad news about a key community member and great asset to Alief ISD who passed away last night.
Mr. Mike Kreinsen was a member of the 2015 Bond Steering Committee as well as the 2021 Bond Steering Committee. Mr. Kreinsen was Alief Proud through and through and was an invaluable asset to both bond steering committees as well as community organizations such as the Alief Super Neighborhood Association, Alief Community Association and others. Mr. Kreinsen’s wife, Gail, recently retired after working at Taylor High School for many years and his daughter, Colleen Brown, is the Director of Continuous School Improvement. Colleen is also an Alief ISD product having attended elementary through high school in Alief and graduating from Hastings. His son-in-law, Bryan Brown is an Assistant Principal of Instruction at Hastings High School.
Please keep the Kreinsen family in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.