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Sign up for the Asian Chamber Business Conference & Expo

The Asian Chamber of Commerce is hosting our annual ACC Business Conference & Expo happening 4 days across 2 Week on October 7/8 and Oct 14/15. Our Theme, “Driving

New Business

Beyond Borders”, will cover pressing business tools to equip your organization in surviving and thriving during these difficult times in 2020. The conference will also cover opportunities for import and export trade along with positioning you in having a strong business presence here in the US and abroad. With support and partners from the US Department of Commerce, City of Houston, Greater Houston Partnership, US Chamber, National ACE and SBA along with representatives from the various consulate offices in Houston, we have put together exciting sessions of learning and connect with essential business opportunities.

In this 4-day conference we are lowering the attendee prices (Early Discounted Ticket Price: $60 Full Conference | $40 2-Day Pass) to making it affordable so that you can learn from industry leaders, government representatives and have an opportunity to interactively network with fellow attendees virtually. We have over 15 breakout sessions covering essential business topics, 4 keynotes along with 8 Asian countries and regions to speak about bilateral trade opportunities. Each attendee will have an opportunity to visit over 50 exhibitors in showcasing their products and services and schedule 1 on 1 meetings with participants throughout the conference.

Key Speakers: Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner, GHP Executive Director Bob Harvey, GHP Regional Economist and Senior Vice President Patrick Jankowski, Houston SBA Director Tim Jeffcoat along with many other speakers throughout the conference

Topics Covered: Grow Your Customer Engagement, Redefine Successful Business Strategies, Maximize Your Supply Chain and Talent Pool, Transform Your Company in a Digital World, Understand Import/Export Trade Opportunities. Additional Topics Include: E-Commerce, Accounting/Tax, Technology/AI, Legal, Merger and Acquisition, Public Relations, Diversity and Inclusion, Creating a New Business, Certification, Government Assistance

We invite you to register today in discovering new ways of growing your business and driving new opportunities to meet other business owners and potential customers.

With celebrating 30 years serving the community, The Asian Chamber stands behind your success of helping drive new business!