By Ileana Najarro, Houston Chronicle

Milton Young, who became president of Houston’s Asian Chamber of Commerce in October, wants to guide the next generation of Asian entrepreneurs and boost Asian civic engagement in the U.S. The chamber, with 300 members including professional service firms and Fortune 500 companies, connects local Asian businesses with the greater Houston and international Asian markets. Young recently spoke with the Houston Chronicle.

Q: What are the objectives for the chamber?

A: We serve as a bridge between the various Asian communities, the greater Houston community and the local business community. We also serve as a bridge between companies from Asia looking to invest in Houston and Texas, as well as companies in Houston, Texas and the U.S. looking to invest in Asia. This year, we’d like to increase our participation in trade-related events. Also, we’d like to work on our initiatives to increase civic participation among young people, as well as support entrepreneurship and innovation. We have a long history of supporting entrepreneurship. But what we’d like to do is expand that, to also work on supporting innovation in the different Asian communities as well.

To read more, visit the Houston Chronicle…