The National Weather and the Weather Channel are forecasting a 30%-40% probability of tornadoes beginning this afternoon in Texas and Oklahoma and then progressing eastward slowly Wednesday and Thursday. Probabilities are high for severe weather that may include large hail, damaging winds and flooding rain. The highest risk Tuesday afternoon and evening will be from Midland to San Antonio, northward through Amarillo, Dallas-Fort Worth and throughout Oklahoma.

A 30%-40% probability of tornadoes and severe weather is forecast Wednesday to include cities such as Houston, Dallas, Tulsa, Little Rock and Shreveport, LA. The eastern half of Arkansas, western Tennessee and Mississippi could still have a severe weather and a 40% tornado threat into Thursday.

Please monitor the skies and your local forecast. Some locations may experience the most severe weather during the overnight hours! If you have not done so already please download the American Red Cross Tornado App on your smartphone! It saves lives!! Please also check out the Tornado, Flood and Power Outage Safety Checklists.

Our goal at the American Red Cross is to proactively prepare communities for disasters before they happen and to alleviate human suffering once disasters occur. Please be safe everyone and share this information with your co-workers, family, and friends.