Volunteer a little time to make a BIG difference in the lives of our After School Program students.

On Saturday, April 22, 2017, Alief ISD will hold its 7th Annual After School Fun Run at Crump Stadium. This year, the Fun Run will have a Super Hero theme! The purpose of the Fun Run is to raise funds for scholarships and resources for the Alief ISD After School Program. We are seeking volunteers to assist in a number of areas – helping with children’s games, encouraging runners/walkers on the course, assisting community vendors, and even pre-Run activities such as stuffing participant and volunteer packets. Volunteers are encouraged to dress in an appropriate manner as a Super Hero, but leave room to wear your Fun Run Volunteer t-shirt!

Information about the Fun Run is located on our After School Program website located at www.aliefisd.net. Click Student Resources, then After School Program or follow this link directly to the After School Program Fun Run website. There is a link on the Fun Run website for volunteers to sign up.

The Alief ISD After School Super Hero Fun Run is truly a FUN way to spend your Saturday morning! There will be lots of excited children and their parents, community members, and employees – all of whom come out to support our students.