Alief ISD is proud of the positive relationships we have formed with partners from all areas of our community. These partnerships with parents and families, policy makers and the business community are vital to the success of our school district. The Alief ISD Board of Trustees and I sincerely value and appreciate these relationships.

Communication with our Alief community has never been more apparent than in the recent Bond Referendum process. In June 2014, the Alief ISD Board of Trustees approved the formation of a Bond Steering Committee made up of 75 community members. The independent committee began meeting in September of last year, and members included parents, teachers, administrators, business owners, elected officials and community members and leaders. After months of presentations, tours and deliberations, the Committee formally made a recommendation to the Board. Their recommendation was made after careful consideration of both the needs of the District and the cost to taxpayers who have received a reduction in the tax rate of six cents over the last five years. On February 24, the Board voted to call a Bond Referendum (election) on May 9, 2015 in the amount of $341 million. That recommendation included the following:

New Construction Projects

$228.7 million

Campus/Building Renovations

$92.8 million

Safety and Security

$10.5 million


$9 million


$341 million


The Referendum is designed to address the district’s facility and capital project needs through 2021. The Referendum consists of plans for classroom expansion in preparation for a district-wide full-day pre-kindergarten program; a career center; professional learning center with performance space; fine arts classrooms and auditorium at Kerr High School; renovations and upgrades at each campus; safety and security upgrades across the district and new student buses.

Alief ISD has not held a bond referendum since 2003; and since then, has lowered the debt service tax rate has been lowered by six cents. We will minimize the impact on district taxpayers as much as possible. However, we are estimating that a taxpayer living in a home valued at $100,000, that qualifies for a homestead exemption, would see an estimated increase of approximately $72.25/year or $6.02/month after all the bonds have been issued. However, senior citizens (over 65) whose property taxes are frozen will not see any increase.