
Thursday, July 25, 2013 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

SEMINAR for only $20 early registration (must register before 7/15/2013)

8 Ways the U.S. Government Can Help You Finance Your Small Business Exports

Looking to expand into overseas markets?

Whether you are entering the export market, looking to upgrade your equipment or facilities in preparation for exporting, or helping your international buyers do business with you – there’s a U.S. government financing program that can help.


With two thirds of the world’s purchasing power residing outside the U.S., the SBA is acutely aware that these global consumers play an important role in the long-term success of America’s small businesses, and SBA is working to help small business owners across the country grow their businesses in this global economy.


In fact, small businesses now constitute 34 percent of total export dollars, and comprise approximately 97.8 percent of all exporters. Of course, success in exporting doesn’t just lie with financing.  SBA also provides counseling and training (via U.S. Export Assistance Centers and SBA’s online Learning Center ) to ensure that small businesses have the tools they need to tap into the global market. Since FY 2009, SBA has guaranteed 6,400 loans to small business exporters worth over $3.3 billion, generating over $6.3 billion in exports. 


SAB Exporting

SBA Export Loans – Financing Your Working Capital Needs, Export Transactions, and Facility Upgrades

Let’s start with the simplest and quickest loan product that the SBA offers – the SBA Export Express Program . This loan program offers eligible small businesses up to $500,000 in financing. As with all SBA financing programs, SBA doesn’t lend business the money directly. Instead, it provides a guarantee to the lending bank or institution that in turn lends your business the money – alleviating the investment risk for the bank. What this means is you will work directly with your bank to obtain your loan. Assuming everything is good with your application, loans can be approved by the SBA within 36 hours or less.


You can use these funds for any export development activity – including financing specific export orders or expanding production facilities. You can also purchase equipment, inventory or real estate and translate marketing literature into a foreign language. It’s also the only government loan that funds participation in tradeshows or trade missions.


Join Us! And learn more about the program and eligibility requirements by attending this information filled seminar at The International Trade Center, 11110 Bellaire Blvd., 2nd Floor, Thursday, July 25, 2013 from 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM. For more information call Yusef Muhammad at 832-448-0528.


The International Trade Center, 11110 Bellaire Blvd., 2nd Floor


Thursday, July 25, 2013
1:00 PM- 3:00 PM

For more information call:
Yusef Muhammad at 832-448-0528.

Presented By:


Guy P. Jones
A Certified Financial Planner™