2025 International Parade
Saturday, March 29, 2025

CHECK-IN: 7:00-7:30 a.m. Alief Middle School Parking Lot

LINE-UP: 7:30 a.m. Alief Middle School Parking Lot

ADDRESS: 4415 Cook Rd., Houston, TX 77072

The parade will start at Alief Middle School. (Point A) and end at Alief Auxiliary Field located at 6220 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., Houston, TX 77072. (Point B) See map.

All participants will conclude the parade at the Alief Auxiliary Field.

INSURANCE & WAIVER: You must submit your insurance and waiver to participate in the parade. Groups or Dance team directors may sign on behalf of your group. We need them to be completed no later than Monday, March 24, 2025. Email: jenniferitc@gmail.com

WALK IN THE RIGHT LANE. ALL WALKING PARTICIPANTS must be able to walk the entire parade route without being carried by a chaperone.  No wagons or additional items that are not part of the unit entry will be allowed.

No public restrooms will be available during check-in, line-up, or parade performance.


  • Bring a first aid kit, sanitizer, tissues, and your participant’s emergency contact information.
  • Check-in between 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. Late arrivals will not be admitted.
  • You will receive a line-up number during check-in.
  • The organizers will call the participants by number. Your contact person will be Steven Okoro (713-446-9677). If you have any questions regarding the parade before March 29, please call/text Steven during office hours (9 a.m. – 5 p.m.).
  • You may bring candies or goodies to be handed (not thrown) to the public.
  • Trophies will be awarded for Best Thematic Float or Group, Most Entertaining Performance, and Best Community Spirit. (Alief District Groups only)

STAGE SET UP – Alief Middle School Parking Lot (towards exiting)
Judges will be on the stage to vote for three (3) Alief ISD entries for Best Thematic Float or Group, Most Entertaining Performance, and Best Community Spirit. Also, three (3) certificate winners will be selected from non-Alief entries. If you are performing, please stop before the stage to do so. 

The winners will be announced during Taste of Alief Festival at LeRoy Crump Stadium located at 12321 High Star Dr, Houston, TX 77072.

NO throwing of candy or other promotional items along the parade route per the City of Houston Ordinance. We appreciate your cooperation.

QUESTIONS: The parade will go on RAIN OR SHINE, so please dress accordingly. If you need assistance the morning of the parade, look for parade marshals wearing YELLOW VESTS throughout the Staging Area.
Parade Coordinators: Li Su, AISD  346-297-4934 / Jennifer Lopez, ITC  281-726-9888

Li Wen Su
Public Relations Specialist
Education Foundation District Liaison
281- 498-8110 ext. 29216