Vol. 7, Issue 1 – 1.10.2025
Dear District F,

Allow me to be the last person to wish you a Happy New Year! I pray each of you was able to rest, recharge, and reconnect with your loved ones during this holiday season. As we move through the new year, I want to remind you that our commitment has not changed, and we continue prioritizing issues and projects, big and small. Below is an outline of updates and information you need to know.

Solid Waste:
As mentioned in the newsletter before the holidays, the Solid Waste Department was scheduled to clear delayed debris/heavy trash over the holidays. As of January 9, the depository dedicated to the routes on the west side is under construction, which is contributing to the delay. Trucks clearing debris now have a longer distance to travel. If your neighborhood has not been cleared since late December or the top of January, please get in touch with districtf@houstontx.gov.

Weather: This week, we experienced consistent cold weather, directlyimpacting people, plants, pets, and pipes. Please take all necessary precautions related to protecting your home and pipes. [Click here for tips.] If someone needs a warming center, the city is opening two in the city. It is recommended to call 311, and the individual or family will be routed to the appropriate facility. These two locations are reserved for the most critical needs. Houston Police Departments’ Homeless Outreach Team is working hand-in-hand with social services agencies for a coordinated effort.

Public Safety: Several apartment complexes in the Westchase area have reported increased crime incidents. My office has agreed to fund $20,000 in support of a targeted effort by the Westside Command Station to address known problem areas. We are working with the apartment management to schedule a community meeting for residents to express concerns directly with law enforcement officials. Stay tuned for a date in late January and more details. Midwest HPD has a knew DRT Lt. and he is working on addressing preparing a proposal to target problem areas on that side of the District. Stay tuned for more details and coordinated announcements.

Our office received a call related to illegal game room/after-hours activity happening in the former location of the Alief Store. My office is working with Westside HPD to address this concern.

Bellaire West: The annual meeting was postponed due to the weather, but I look forward to visiting with you in February.

Wellington: I look forward to meeting with you on Tuesday, January 14. I am prepared to present options related to the reconstruction/repair of Wellington Drive and other constituent issues. If you have additional questions, please send them to districtf@houstontx.gov so we can be prepared for a meaningful conversation.

Braeburn Estates: Save the date for Tuesday, January 21, when my office will provide updates related to speed cushions (see status below) and news related to the FY26 Synott major rehab and streetlight initiative. Please try to attend, especially since we lost a neighbor in this neighborhood not too long ago. (FOX26) Spanish translation will be available at the meeting.

Infrastructure Projects: 95% of the District F Budget is fully subscribed for FY25 (July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025). For those of you who submitted projects via the District F CDSF tool, we are vetting submissions in preparation for FY26 (July 1, 2025). Most of the submissions wereincomplete and did not meet the cost threshold. As you can see, we are investing in neighborhood center improvements such as speed cusions, panel replacements, traffic modifications and more to elevate your quality of life and, at the very least, make our commute to work, home, or play easier.

  • Braewood Estates NTMP$29,900 – 6 locations – (HPW) –APPROVED; pending Public Notice phase.
  • Braewood Glen NTMP$59,800 – 12 locations – (HPW) –APPROVED; pending Public Notice phase.
  • Huntington Village NTMP$63,900 – 14 locations – (HPW) –APPROVED; pending Public Notice phase.
  • Imperial Point NTMP$29,900 (funded) – (HPW) APPROVED; Public Notice phase to begin in January 2025.
  • Piney Point Elementary NTMP$52,600 (funded) – (HPW)APPROVED; Public Notice phase to begin in January 2025.
  • Westhollow NTMP$60,000 (funded) – APPROVED; waiting construction queue pending WA. Anticipated completion: March 2025.
  • Westpark Village NTMP$19,900APPROVED; In construction queue pending WA. Anticipated completion: March 2025.
  • Brays Forest Section 1 NTMP$19,900APPROVED; In construction queue pending WA. Anticipated completion: Summer 2025.
  • Ashford Point NTMP$67,900APPROVED; In construction queue pending WA. Anticipated completion: Summer 2025.
  • Parkridge NTMP$24,900APPROVED; In construction queue pending WA. Anticipated completion: Summer 2025.
  • Stoney Brook at Meadowglen Ln Raised Crosswalks$12,100(HPW) Currently in the queue for administrative approval.
  • Wellington Park Panel Replacements$461,000 (HPW) pending approval/construction update.
  • Hullsmith Parking Improvements – (HPW) – pending cost estimate.Please note the project will be scheduled for FY26 AFTER an extension community engagement meeting related to the improvements.
  • Remove/Replace Sidewalk @ Stoney Brook – South of Richmond$47,500 (HPW) – APPROVED. Will begin after Richmond Avereconstruction is complete.
  • Streetlight Installation – (HPW) 25 streetlights are in the process of installation; 8 additional new streetlight requests have been submitted to 311 and submitted to HPW on January 9.
  • Dairy Ashford Sidewalks (between Bellaire and Beechnut) – $1.2Mfunded by TIRZ 20 is in design. (Hallelujah!)

Note construction projects are subject to weather delays. We are in the process of receiving requests from Parkglen, Ashford Park and Tanglewilde please know once vetted/approved will be scheduled for FY26…..

Well Wishes:
District F is a family, and family members must leave the coop in order to experience growth and more impact. Stephani-Nicole Leota’s last day with the District F Team is Wednesday, January 15, and we are excited about her new role leading engagement efforts with the Harris County Toll Road Authority. As you know, the HCTRA is working on a Westpark Tollway Expansion Study, so you will continue to see her on the westside. I wish her well, and let’s collectively thank her for her contributions.

The position of Director of Constituent Services and Community Engagement will be posted on the City of Houston’s HR website very soon and shared in the upcoming newsletter.

There’s more in store in 2025. Although we are embracing the future of 2025, I want to remind you to look back at our collective impacts in the 2024 District F Annual Report. Let this serve as a visual reminder of what can happen when we work together, organize, and execute the plan.

Council Member Tiffany D. Thomas
Total Work Orders: 23
Hotspot of the Week:  11212 Pender
Total Man Hours Worked: 38
Tree Waste: 1,100 lbs.
Mattresses: 7
Furniture Waste: 19 pieces
Tires: 11
Trash Debris: 1,400 lbs.
Shopping Carts: 2
Bandit Signs: 98
Landscaping: Amanda Lane 1,000 sq. ft.
System: 3 pending illegal dump sites and 7 pending missed yard waste, with 3 pending landscaping locations as of 1.10.2025
Council Member Thomas was happy to join community members at Super Neighborhood 17’s first 2025 meeting on January 8. She shared well wishes for the new year and gave updates from City Hall. Thank you to SN17 President Jeff Baker for running an efficient meeting as always.
Houston Public Library is excited to start the new year. Visit the locations in District F at the Alief Neighborhood Center or Robinson-Westchase Neighborhood Library. You can view their offerings here
TXDOT has opened the comment period for the I-10 Managed Lanes Project which would consist of improvements to I-10 from FM 359 to Mason Road in Fort Bend, Harris, and Waller Counties. Written comments may be submitted by mail to the TxDOT Houston District Office, Advanced Project Development Director, P.O. Box 1386, Houston, Texas 77251-1386. Written comments may also be submitted by email to HOU-PIOwebmail@txdot.gov. All comments must be received or postmarked on or before January 16. 
You can engage with your neighbors and receive accurate information about District F and the greater Houston area from community partners, elected officials, and public safety leadership.

Alief AARP Chapter 3264: Every 1st Thursday at 10 AM at Salvation Army Church, 7920 Cook Road, Houston, TX.

Super Neighborhood 17 (West Oaks and Eldridge): Every 2nd Wednesday at 7 PM
Location: Eagles Trace Austin Square Catering Room, 14703 Eagle Vista Dr

Super Neighborhood 25 (Alief): Every 4th Tuesday at 6:30 PM
Location: Alief Neighborhood Center, 11903 Bellaire Blvd

Westside PIP Meeting: Every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 PM
Location: Westside Station, 3203 S. Dairy Ashford Street, 3rd floor

Midwest PIP Meeting: Every 3rd Wednesday at 7 PM
Location: 7277 Regency Square Boulevard

Briarmeadow HOA: Every 2nd Tuesday at 6 PM
Location: 3202 Freshmeadows Drive

Westmont Civic Club: Every 4th Thursday of every quarter at 7 PM
Location: Treemont Retirement Community, 2501 Westerland

Piney Point Civic Club: Every 2nd Tuesday at 7:30 PM
Location: Pilgrim Rest MBC, 3401 Jeanetta St

Huntington Village HOA: Every 3rd Thursday at 7 PM
Location: Clubhouse, 9511 Cook Road

Tanglewilde Civic Club: Quarterly
Location: Los Tios, 9527 Westheimer, in the meeting room

Chief of Staff
isaac.eguia@houstontx.govSTEPHANI LEOTA
Director of Constituent Services
& Special Projects

Executive Assistant

Houston City Council Member, District F
(832) 393-3002
900 Bagby St., 1st Floor
Houston, Texas 77002