If you’ve seen a sign like this…

it’s part of a new campaign!

Have you noticed quirky, meme-inspired signs sprouting up around the International District lately? These eye-catching messages are part of a fresh and fun campaign by the International District (ID) to combat littering by making it socially unacceptable.

An Ongoing Battle Against Litter

Since 2009, the ID has been actively working to keep our community clean and green. Every day, a dedicated team roams the streets, collecting litter and disposing of it properly. “We pick up anywhere from 5,000 to 6,500 pounds of litter each month,” says Karen Loper, a board member of the ID and Chair of the Environmental & Urban Design Committee which is leading the litter abatement efforts. That’s two or three tons of trash per month!

The litter they collect isn’t bulky items like old couches or mattresses—it’s everyday waste like fast-food wrappers, plastic bottles, beverage containers, and grocery bags. “The majority of the stuff we find are beverage containers, fast-food containers, plastic water bottles, beer cans, and plastic bags,” Karen explains.

While the litter abatement program has been successfully reducing trash on our medians and right of ways, the ID realized that more needed to be done to prevent littering in the first place. Enter the new anti-litter sign campaign—a series of humorous, attention-grabbing signs designed to remind everyone that littering is illegal and carries hefty fines.

“We’re not making littering illegal—it’s already illegal,” Karen emphasizes. “Our goal is to educate the community and make littering socially unacceptable.”

The Power of Humor and Visibility

To create an effective campaign, the ID drew inspiration from successful programs like “Don’t Mess with Texas” and resources from Keep America Beautiful. They collaborated with graphic designers to develop 12 different sign designs featuring funny memes and engaging messages. Each sign prominently displays the warning: “Don’t litter—$500 fine.”

“We didn’t want to use the same sign throughout the district because, after a while, people don’t notice them,” Karen explains. “We wanted something that would be attractive, maybe funny, but with an edge to them.”

These signs have been strategically placed along major thoroughfares like Bellaire Boulevard, Beechnut, and Bissonnet. By rotating the signs and placing them in high-visibility areas, the campaign aims to catch the attention of drivers and pedestrians alike.

Why Making Littering Socially Unacceptable Matters

Studies show that people between the ages of 16 and 35 are the most frequent litterers, with those under 19 being the worst offenders. Alarmingly, only 77% of Texans believe littering is illegal, leaving nearly a quarter unaware of the law and its consequences.

“Litter accumulating on a median or roadside only attracts more,” Karen notes. “If we let it go for a little while, there’d be a lot more very quickly.” By making littering socially unacceptable, the ID hopes to change behaviors and reduce the amount of trash that ends up on our streets.

Economic Impact of Litter

Litter doesn’t just make our neighborhoods look unkempt—it has real economic consequences. Potential business owners and residents might think twice about investing in an area that appears neglected.

“If you’re a prospective business owner and you see a lot of stuff thrown around, you might not look very far into that area,” Karen explains. Clean streets contribute to higher property values and a stronger sense of community pride.

Community Involvement is Key

The success of the campaign relies heavily on community participation. The ID will be working closely with local schools, businesses, and homeowner associations to spread the word.

Beyond the Signs: Additional ID Efforts

While the new signs are the latest addition to the litter abatement program, the ID provides numerous other services to enhance the community:

  • Daily Litter Pickup: A dedicated team works every day to keep streets clean.
  • Bandit Sign Removal: The Litter team also removes illegal signs from the medians.
  • Graffiti Removal: The ID employs a service that promptly removes graffiti from buildings and public spaces.
  • Streetlight Maintenance: Regular checks ensure that streetlights are functioning, contributing to safety and visibility.
  • Recycling Events: Annual events offer residents a chance to recycle electronics and securely shred documents.

How You Can Help

  • Dispose of Trash Properly: Take your litter home or to a designated bin and encourage others to do the same.
  • Spread the Word: Share photos of the signs on social media and use the campaign hashtag to raise awareness.
  • Participate in Community Events: Join local cleanups or educational programs.
  • Educate Others: Talk to friends and family about the importance of keeping our community clean.

A Cleaner, Greener Future

The ID’s new anti-litter sign campaign is more than just a series of funny memes—it’s a community-wide effort to make littering socially unacceptable and keep our neighborhood clean. By combining ongoing litter collection with creative public education, the International District aims to foster a culture of pride and responsibility.

So next time you spot one of those humorous signs, take a moment to appreciate the message behind the laughter. Together, we can make a significant difference in our community.