I can recall being a student in a class with teachers, like Barbara Cabil sitting next to me, providing direction and instruction. I remember my middle school principal Odessa Raven, reminding us students that excellence was the standard for everyone in the building! My teachers and principal were focused on making sure that I learned and that I was prepared to go out into the world and go to college or to work and support a family.

Our strategic plan will serve as a roadmap for us moving forward to meet the needs of our students. Focusing on each of the five areas of focus can support us in growing and becoming even stronger in all areas identified. You can review the strategic plan here. Our five areas of focus are listed below.

  • Student Achievement
  • Safe & Secure Alief
  • World Class Employment
  • Organizational Strength
  • Alief Family

As we visited with stakeholders, including students, parents, teachers, and administrators, these priority areas became apparent during conversations. I appreciate all the feedback and ongoing dialogue to help create systems that prepare our students for success. After all, that is what our work is all about. All Alief employees report to work daily to serve our students and to serve them well. Please take a moment to check out the strategic plan and our strategies for continuous improvement.

Climate and culture and student academic achievement continue to be a focus in our district. Your continuous feedback helps us to make improvements across Alief ISD. We thank you in advance for your time and feedback. The anonymous Safety and Climate Survey window for our students, families/parents, and staff has been open since Jan. 22 and will close Feb. 16.

We value the voices of our stakeholders. Please take a few minutes to give us open and honest feedback so that we can celebrate growth areas and focus on areas of need (click on hyperlink). The parent/family survey is available in English,Spanish, Vietnamese, and Chinese.

It’s time to nominate the February 2024 Superintendent’s MVP Award winners. One secondary student, two professional, and two support staff are recognized each month for their outstanding service and dedication to the climate and culture of Alief ISD. Show your support today and submit your nomination here.Submissions will be accepted through February 2nd.


Congratulations to Melinda Winston of Hastings High School basketball team on being the KPRC 2 & UTMB Health Star Athlete of the Week! Melinda was recognized for surpassing 2,000 points. Check out her story here.

Jefferson Early Learning Center and Martinez Early Learning Center’s school architecture projects have been selected as Caudill Award winners in the 2023-24 Exhibit of School Architecture competition, which showcases new and renovated Texas schools and celebrates excellence in planning and design of the learning environment. The projects will be on exhibit at the TASA Midwinter Conference in Austin during exhibit hall hours on January 29-30.

KPRC’s scholarship committee selected Funmilola Afolabi, a standout senior at Elsik High School, as a winner of one of their scholarship checks of the season! She would like to attend Emory University in Atlanta and has her sights set on becoming a nurse practitioner with a goal of helping people in underserved communities. Funmilola is the winner of a $2,500 scholarship. Congratulations!

Jacob Lazarou, Special Programs Counselor at Alief Early College and Kerr high schools, was recently honored for his support of Chick-fil-A Leader AcademyTMprograms at their campuses.  The Leader Academy is a national high school program focused on impact through action.  Participants attend monthly leader labs where they learn about leadership principles and plan service projects that impact their communities.  Mr. Lazarou was one of 10 honorees selected from over 1,100 sponsors throughout the nation.  He will also be recognized during the program’s 10 year celebration this March in Atlanta.

Share your Alief ISD good news here.

Dr. Anthony Mays
Alief ISD

Looking forward