This past week, Alief ISD joined the lawsuit against the Texas Education Agency. Please check your email for correspondence with additional details. Our focus here in Alief ISD is on our students and community. Our administrators and teachers are focused on meeting the needs of our students. We appreciate their dedication and commitment to coaching, feedback, and continuous improvement of each and every student in Alief ISD.

Next week, we celebrate National Custodian Appreciation Day. Our custodians are often the first ones in the building to set everything in motion. They are the first to ensure the facility is cooled or warmed in the winter. Custodians were our first line of defense during the pandemic, providing personal protective equipment to keep everyone safe. Our custodians make sure the appropriate chemicals are used daily to combat flu and other germs that are harmful to all of us. While their invaluable service can sometimes go unnoticed, we value and appreciate our custodians and know they are a valuable part of the Alief ISD team and community. Let’s do our best to ensure our custodians feel valued daily, especially on October 2, National Custodian Day!

I want to encourage each student to join and become a part of something here at Alief ISD. Join a club or a team, and take advantage of the great opportunities here in Alief ISD. Recently, our students were profiled in Vype Magazine and they look awesome. I am so proud of every one of them!

Dave Campbell’s Texan Live will come to the Crump Stadium and will be livestreaming the Dawson vs. Taylor varsity football game this Thursday! Here is the official broadcast link.


Congratulations to our student reporters from the Alief Multimedia Program (A.M.P.)! AMP is a student video news show involving Elsik, Hastings, and Taylor Seniors here at the Alief Center for Advanced Careers Digital design class. The show format consists of a classroom spotlight where they do a news story on one of the CTE programs. This week’s show features Automotive, HOSA blood drive, Vet Science Pet of the Week, the weekend forecast, and musical act by Taylor student, Miquela Mabunga.

Jazz Houston Orchestra will be presenting a “Jazz for Young People’s Concert,”anadmission free event at the Kerr High School theater on September 27th. Vincent Gardner is the artistic director of this ensemble and also the director of the Jazz Houston Youth Orchestra in which there are three Alief ISD students! Mr. Gardner is also a trombone player for the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra in NYC. We are so fortunate to host this incredible ensemble at Kerr!

Share your Alief ISD good news here.

Dr. Anthony Mays
Alief ISD

Looking forward