Dear Alief ISD Parents, Staff and Community Members,

With the 88th Texas Legislative session coming to a close, no meaningful legislation has come forth to support the funding needs of public education.

So far this session, there have not been any bills to address meaningful increases to public school funding, safety funding and the increased costs that all education employees and teachers feel every day due to inflation. Needed funds would go toward teacher and employee salaries, safety and security measures, mental health support, and addressing inflation of 14.5% over the past 2 years.

  • Our teacher shortage is adversely impacting schools but there is no response to the interim study on teacher shortages that has been made this session.
  • The focus should be on the real priorities of the 5.5M students in public schools in Texas – safety and livable wages for our public school employees and teachers must be a priority.
  • The legislature’s and the executive branch’s primary focus have only been the ongoing efforts to push ESA’s or vouchers onto any bill possible or to get those measures passed by threatening special sessions prolonging getting needed funds for students and teachers.

The legislature is in full control of the price we pay in taxes and how many of those additional dollars come back to your district. Hold them accountable to be your representative and not a representative of special interests.

CALL TO ACTION: We are asking for your immediate action to advocate for public schools today! Contact your legislators and demand for:

  • Increased school taxes and the record surpluses in state revenues to come back to funding public schools and not be diverted to private school vouchers or other special interests.
  • Increase the Basic Allotment per student to account for the 14.5% inflation we are all paying in the cost of living now.

Please reach out to our elected officials and the Senate Committee on Education immediately via phone or email. Here is a suggested message:


Dear Representative/Senator _____________,

My child is a student at _____________ in Alief ISD. I am reaching out with opposition to any bill that includes a model for education savings accounts that would provide a higher level of per student funding than what is provided to public schools through the Basic Allotment. As written, the $8,000 per student allocation for education savings accounts is $2,000 higher than the current Basic Allotment provides for my child in Alief ISD. I also oppose any education savings account model that does not mandate the same across-the-board accountability and transparency required of my public school district.

With regards to Senate Bill 30, funds collected for public education should remain in public education. Please oppose the $8.2 billion reduction to the Foundation School Program, which diverts education dollars from school districts to fund the state’s bottom line. Instead, please reinvest at least $8.2 billion into public education and increase the Basic Allotment to a level that recognizes the growth (14.5%) in inflation since HB3 was passed in the 86th session. Diverting funds intended for public education to fund the state’s bottom line is unacceptable. Our children deserve better.


House Representatives representing Alief ISD

State Senators representing Alief ISD

Texas Senate Committee on Education

As always, thank you for supporting and advocating for the children and teachers in Alief ISD. We will continue to keep you informed during the legislative session and provide you information on additional ways to advocate for public education.


Dr. Anthony Mays
Alief ISD