Alief ISD is a great place that has wonderful opportunities for students. As I visit with all of you at various events, the pride in our schools and students radiates brightly. I am proud to be a part of the good stuff taking place here in our district. With that being said, we have some challenges in front of us as we address our budget deficit of $19 million. I know that none of us could have anticipated COVID-19 or the decline in enrollment that has followed. At our peak in 2014-2015, we enrolled more than 47,000 students. Since the pandemic, enrollment and attendance have declined, and both drive funding for our schools. Each factor impacts our budget and presents the huge challenge of addressing our budget shortfalls. I am confident that the same pride and spirit that I encounter during our chats will help us to persist through our financial storm and get to the other side where we can focus on pay raises that educators deserve.

We will be hosting budget conversations in the upcoming weeks to share some of the challenges that are in front of us and strategies for moving forward as a district. Below are some steps we all can take to support additional funding for our students and Alief ISD.

What Can We Do?

  • Make phone calls, send texts, and encourage students to come to school whenever they are well
  • Encourage state legislators to fund schools based on enrollment versus attendance
  • Advocate with state legislators for an increased dollar amount for each student (also known as the basic student allotment)
  • Be proud advocates of your public school and community

As we look forward we will host community events to share more about our financial challenges and ways that we will be working together to manage our shortfall in funding (Learn About Our Board’s Legislative Priorities).

Community Budget Meetings

  • February 9: Community Communication Meeting Eastside – Olle Middle School, 6:00 PM
  • February 16: Community Communication Meeting Central – Alief Center for Advanced Careers, 6:00 PM
  • February 28: Community Communication Meeting Westside – Alief Center for Talent Development, 6:00 PM


Seven Alief ISD campuses were honored as CREST Award Counseling Programs. Counselors Reinforcing Excellence for Students in Texas (CREST) is a rigorous statewide competition. Those campuses are Alief Middle School, Holmquist Elementary, Smith Elementary, Olle Middle School, Hastings High School, Liestman Elementary and Owens Intermediate School.

Thank you to our Counseling Team and all of the amazing work that they do every day for our staff and students!

And finally, 400 military veteran volunteers worked on a beautification project at Youngblood Intermediate. Their work in the community was highlighted in a news storyhere. Thank you Youngblood principal Gwen Sandles for your leadership!


Dr. Anthony Mays
Alief ISD


Looking Forward

  • January 25: Coffee with the Superintendent – Hearne Elementary, 8:15 AM – 9:30 AM
  • January 26: Guidance & Counseling – 8th Grade Parent Night, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
  • January 27: Coffee with the Superintendent – Bush Elementary, 8:15 AM – 9:30 AM
  • February 6: Soda with the Superintendent – Olle Middle School, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
  • February 15: Soda with the Superintendent – Albright Middle School, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM