The Update

November 3, 2022
Join us Saturday, November 19th, 3:30–5:30 pm for Sunset at the Shamba, our annual day of giving thanks. Karibuni! Everyone is welcome!Bring a potluck dish and a picnic blanket. We will have a gratitude walk around the farm, share stories and songs, and enjoy a work-free, restful atmosphere together.

We’re so grateful for you being on the journey with us together building empowered community that feels like family in Houston!

Pamoja Companion Alyssa & Pamoja Newcomer Jacenta would love to see you at Sunset at the Shamba!
We are grateful for our branches friends! Click this link to read more.
At Shamba Ya Amani, our mission is to feed both body and soul, and to do so we must nourish the land itself. Learning as we go, we are implementing regenerative practices to build good soil and restore degraded land. The health of our produce and flowers (and thus the health of our community and this city) depends on these practices.

We want this farm to be a welcome home for all kinds of creatures—those below the soil, as well as the beneficial insects, pollinators, and birds that help the vegetables, herbs and flowers, fruit trees, berry bushes, and grapevines thrive. Which helps us thrive too, because, of course, we’re all connected!

Your generosity makes possible working for justice by building empowered community with refugees, immigrants, and local Houstonians. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!