The City of Houston has extended the public comment period to receive comments, suggestions, and alternate plans from the public regarding the Proposed City Council Redistricting Plan.

Visit to view proposed redistricting maps and data tables.

Extended Public Comment Period:
Submit all comments and proposed redistricting plans by Friday, July 29
at 4:45 p.m.

All plans submitted to the City for consideration must:

  • Be in writing;
  • Be based on the 2020 federal Census;
  • Redistrict the entire City so that Council may assess its impact on protected minority groups
  • Conform to redistricting criteria in Sec. 3 of the City’s Redistricting Resolution.

People may propose that certain voting precincts, neighborhoods, or locations be included in a specific district.

Email redistricting comments and proposed plans to Rupesh Koshy at [email protected].

The Planning & Development Department has a computer with redistricting software installed at our offices at 611 Walker Street, 6th floor. Staff will also lend technical assistance to anyone interested in creating a redistricting plan. Contact Rupesh Koshy at [email protected] or 832-393-6552 to make an appointment.


Elise Marrion
Communications Manager
Office: 832.393.6615
[email protected]