Work has begun on changes to signage at major intersections in the International Management District to improve traffic safety and continue to honor the memory of nine generals who led South Vietnamese troops in cooperation with the U.S. military during the Vietnam War.

— A company chosen by the District is decluttering overhead signs along Bellaire Boulevard and Beechnut Street to make it easier for drivers to find their destinations.

— New overhead street signs in English, marked with the district logo, are being installed.

— New street-side signage will identify a new Vietnamese Walk of Honor displaying the generals’ names, the U.S. and South Vietnamese flags, and the words “Little Saigon,” an informal identity of the District. Saigon was the capital of South Vietnam, from which thousands of war refugees settled in southwest Houston.

— The Vietnamese Walk of Honor will give context to the display of the generals’ names that had been posted on intersection street signs.

The improvements, involving changes to about 48 sign sets, are taking place with the cooperation of Houston Public Works and input from two public hearings about the first set of English and Vietnamese signs.

As reflected in this project and the 22 mini-globes representing nations of the world on medians along Bellaire, Bissonnet and Beechnut, the District will continue to showcase the places from which many of its residents emigrated and gave the area its unique international flavor and strength.