Vol. 2, Issue 12 – 03.25.21

Español  –  Tiếng Việt  –  اردو  –  KiswahiliHouston-Harris County Emergency Rental Assistance Program

CDC Eviction Moratorium Declaration

Churches and facilities in District F: if you are interested in potentially becoming a vaccination site, please click on the image to fill out our survey.

Iglesias y instalaciones en el Distrito F: si está interesado en convertirse en un sitio de vacunación, haga clic en la imagen para completar nuestra encuesta.

Các nhà thờ và cơ sở ở Quận F: nếu bạn quan tâm đến việc có khả năng trở thành một địa điểm tiêm chủng, vui lòng nhấp vào hình ảnh để điền vào bản khảo sát của chúng tôi.

Applications for the 2021 City of Houston Summer Jobs Program are now being accepted through April 16th.Apply here.
The Houston Harris County Winter Storm Relief Fund is now accepting applications for home repair assistance for residents whose homes were damaged during the winter storm.To get started, click here.
For Women’s History Month, we are dedicating this portion of our newsletter to outstanding women who have had a tremendous impact on the national, state, and/or local level, and who are continuing to inspire others. This week, we are highlighting two District F residents with a profile video for each:
Vanessa Lipscomb is the co-founder and Director of Programs at The WOW Project, a non-profit aimed at assisting underserved communities.
Ana Shah is a highly-regarded Information Technology teacher at the Alief Center for Advanced Careers.
On Tuesday, March 23rd, Council Member Thomas presented a proclamation to Wyline Thompson in honor of her accomplishments as a life-long educator and community leader.
On Wednesday, March 24th, Council Member Thomas dedicated her pop-off comments to an update on Hackberry Park, the Eviction Prevention Event on March 30th, the City’s food pilot program, and Solid Waste’s illegal dumping pilot program.
On Tuesday, March 23rd, Chairwoman Council Member Thomas and the Housing and Community Affairs Committee convened for their monthly meeting. To view the PDF of the presentation discussed in the meeting, click here.
Westpark Paving and Drainage

(often referred to as the “Westpark Widening” project by residents)
A virtual public hearing for this project was held earlier this week.  To view the recorded meeting, presentation slides, project summary, and much more, click here.

In response to the flooding and trash issues recently at Hackberry Park, we deployed our HOT Team to pick up trash at the park and the Parks Department has drained the ponds.  We would like to send a big thank you to everyone on the HOT Team and at the Parks Department for assisting with these issues.
Yesterday afternoon at Helfin Elementary, Jawad and Baba Manning, Storytellers with Young Audiences of Houstonpresented a terrific performance of “The Grigri Tree, A Dilemma Tale” to students of Heflin’s Children Interacting Afterschool (CIA) Program. Council Member Thomas then presented a $10,000 check, which matches a CASE for Kids grant, to support Young Audiences of Houston.
50/50 Park Partners wants to hear from you about future improvements to Harwin Park! Please fill out this survey before March 31 to give your input on what you’d like to see in these neighborhood parks.
The Solid Waste Management Department would like to remind residents to follow rules and guidelines in order for the department to better serve you.

Please provide up to date information about your HOA in order for us to keep in contact with you.  Click on the image to fill in your information.
For those interested in being on this year’s Steering Committee for the Youth Conference, please click on the image and fill out the form . This form is intended for youth ages between 15 – 18 years old. After you have filled out this form, please send your resume and cover letter to Idalid.Navarro@houstontx.gov.
Click on the form to report homeless encampments in our district.  The Solid Waste Department will sanitize these sites to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
UPDATE: The Houston Health Department’s online vaccine registration portal is currently closed and will reopen when supply allows.To be alerted of when registration reopens, register for AlertHouston’s Houston Recovers subscription.

You are invited to participate in a survey to collect information about COVID-19 vaccine eligibility. This online survey should take about 2-10 minutes to complete. Participation is voluntary, and responses will be kept confidential to the degree permitted by the technology being used.

If you qualify for the COVID-19 vaccine under Phase 1A, 1B, or 1C, please click on the image to fill out the survey and provide the District F office with your information so that we can keep you updated on vaccine availability. This data will be shared with the Houston Health Department (HHD). Bedbound residents and seniors aged 90+ are currently being prioritized.

  • FREE Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing at Crump Stadium
  • 12321 Alief Clodine Rd, 77082.
  • Español
  • Tiếng Việt

‘Stop Asian Hate’ vigil at Discovery Green honors Atlanta shooting victims
Texas ranks 4th in anti-Asian incidents; how to stop the hate

HPD Westside PIP Meeting
Thursday, Mar 25, 2021 @ 6:30PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Dial in: 1 346 248 7799
Meeting ID: 944 4498 9369
Passcode: 598629
Houston LISC is offering small grants to support community-led projects, activities, and campaigns. The goal of these grants is to seed community building and improve quality of life at the grassroots level. Grants are for $500-$5000. Ideal applications are for projects that develop civic engagement, community relationship building, and support existing neighborhood plans. Anyone interested in applying for a grant is encouraged to bring project ideas to a grant workshop. Click the following links for workshop registrationinformation packetflyer, and grant applicationApplications due no later than April 15, 2021.

The LISC Sports & Recreation team is excited to announce a new round of funding for the NFL Foundation Grassroots Program. The program offers matching grants up to $250,000 to build, refurbish or add amenities to multi-purpose playing fields that feature youth football programming. Click here for the Request for Proposals and here to get more information about the program. Proposals are due May 31, 2021.