Mayor Sylvester Turner invites Houstonians to register for an important virtual town hall focusing on mental health, healing, and wellness as our community confronts the global coronavirus pandemic.

The holidays combined with COVID-19 will be a challenging time for many individuals and families. That is why the Mayor’s Health Equity Response (H.E.R.) Task Force is hosting a Virtual Town Hall called, Surviving the Pandemic During the Holidays.

Thursday, Nov. 12
From 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

During the virtual town hall, panelists and participants will provide advice on coping with the demands of parenting, finances,and  physical, and emotional stress during the holiday season.

Register at

The H.E.R. Task Force, specifically the Medical Care Subcommittee and the Faith & Community Leaders Subcommittee, will guide the discussion. Mayor Turner will make an appearance during the town hall.



Mary Benton
Director of Communications
Office: 832.393.0830
Mobile: 713.208.6229

Ada Ortega
Press Secretary
Office: 832-393-0800
Mobile: 832-547-3240

Tejal Patel
Public Information Officer/Deputy Press Secretary
Office: 832.393.0808
Mobile: 832.459.9706