Vol. 1, Issue 7 – 08.20.20
Round 2 of the City of Houston’s Rental Assistance Program has begun accepting applications.

  • The enrollment period for landlords is August 17th – 26th.
  • The enrollment period for tenants is August 24th – 30th.
  • Please review the flyer to see if you qualify and visit HoustonRentAssistance.org to enroll.
    • Rented single-family houses are also eligible for this program.

La Ronda 2 del Programa de Asistencia de Alquiler de la Ciudad de Houston ha comenzado a aceptar solicitudes.

  • El período de inscripción para propietarios es del 17 al 26 de agosto.
  • El período de inscripción para inquilinos es del 24 al 30 de agosto.
  • Revise el folleto a continuación para ver si califica y visite HoustonRentAssistance.org para inscribirse.
    • Las casas unifamiliares alquiladas también son elegibles para este programa.
The City of Houston’s Small Business Economic Relief Program has begun accepting applications.

El Programa de Ayuda Económica para Pequeñas Empresas de la Ciudad de Houston ha comenzado a aceptar solicitudes.

PLEASE VISIT: https://www.honumg.com/crump
VISITE: https://www.honumg.com/crump
O LLAME AL 844-778-2455

BẠN PHẢI ĐĂNG KÝ ĐỂ KIỂM TRA:  https://www.honumg.com/crump
HOẶC GỌI 844-778-2455


Administered in partnership with the District F office, the Department of Neighborhoods Matching Grant Program helps neighborhoods fund various beautification and improvement projects by providing a matching grant reimbursement ranging from $500 to $5,000. The application period is open through November 6th.
Eligibility Requirements
  1. Neighborhood-based organizations and civic clubs with State of Texas 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) non-profit certification are eligible to apply.
  2. Neighborhood-based organizations without official nonprofit status may apply in partnership with a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organization as co-applicant.
  3. Grant projects must be located within the Houston city limits.
Review the application packet and submit the completed application to DON Assistant Director Landon Taylor: Landon.Taylor@houstontx.gov.  The application is also available as a Word document.
August is Black Business Month! Help us celebrate by nominating Black-owned businesses in District F that we should spotlight.  Submit your nominations by emailing DistrictF@houstontx.gov.
The District of the Future thanks everyone who has reported illegal dumping to our office recently.  A few reminders:

  • The HOT team will only pick up items located in the City’s right-of-way and will not pick up items located on private property
  • Junk Waste
    • Accepted: furniture, appliances, and bulky material
    • Not Accepted: roofing, shingles, bricks, plaster, concrete, and large truck tires
  • Tree Waste
    • Accepted: tree limbs, branches, and stumps
    • Not accepted: lumber and treated wood
  • Please report the illegal dumping to 311 first.  After you receive the service request number, send that number to DistrictF@houstontx.gov or call us at (832) 393-3002. If you have a photo, please send that as well.
Housing and Community Affairs Committee – August 18th

On the agenda were presentations from the Housing and Community Development Department, Houston Apartment Association, and January Advisors.  A spirited discussion centered on the housing crisis facing renters, with the topic of evictions being a lightning rod.  To view this informative meeting, click here.

On August 18th, we honored West Houston Assistance Ministries (WHAM) with a proclamation for their tremendous work in the West Houston area.  38 years ago, they were founded in the midst of an economic crisis and today, WHAM remains true to their mission during COVID-19. Serving over 70K people, including 27K children, signifies their importance to District F. If you or anyone you know is in need, please visit West Houston Assistance Ministry.
The Mayor’s Task Force on Police Reform is requesting input from the public.  Please consider filling out this survey and sharing with your respective communities.  The deadline for the survey has been extended to Saturday, August 22nd.
Projects funded by the CASE for Kids City Connections program are hosted from a variety of locations including schools, community centers, apartment complexes, churches, and virtual programs. Grants are designed to fund projects that provide prevention-based programming that addresses gaps in services to youth.  Click here to access the Request for Proposals (RFP) Application.  The Application deadline is September 2nd at 5pm.  For more information on CASE for Kids, visit their website.
Happy Independence Day, India!  This past Saturday, August 15th, marked the 73rd anniversary of the nation’s independence from the United Kingdom.  Our office would like to give a special shout-out to the Indian Americans of District F for contributing to the richness of our community.