Last night, we held a virtual community input meeting for Super Neighborhood 17.  We will post the answers to the Q&A section as soon as we receive updates from City departments.

Thank you to everyone who has joined us for our virtual meetings.

On Thursday at 6pm, we will host a virtual community input meeting for Super Neighborhood 20.

Please consider participating from the comfort and safety of your home. We plan on presenting CIP, Council District Service Funds, and receiving community input.

To join the meeting via Zoom video conference:

  • Please use the Chrome web browser to visit this link:
    • Enter your name
    • On the next page, click on “Join Audio by Computer”
  • You may also join by downloading the Zoom application
    • Open the application and click on “Join a Meeting”
    • Enter the Meeting ID in the first box: 262 875 708
    • Enter your name in the second box
    • Click “Join”
    • In the pop-up window, click “Join With Computer Audio”

To join via phone:

  • Dial 1 929 205 6099
  • Meeting ID: 262 875 708
To view last week’s Super Neighborhood 25 meeting, click here.
To view answers from the Q&A section from the meeting, click here.


At a press conference yesterday, Governor Abbott issued an Executive Order implementing Essential Services and Activities Protocols for the entire state of Texas.
  • The protocols direct all Texans to minimize non-essential gatherings and in-person contact with people who are not in the same household.
  • The Governor’s Executive Order renews and amends his previous order enforcing federal social distancing guidelines for COVID-19, including closing schools and instructing Texans to avoid eating or drinking at bars and restaurants through April 30th.
    • Schools will remain closed through May 4th.
  • The protocols allow exceptions for essential activities and services based on the Department of Homeland Security’s guidelines on the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce. Examples of these essential services include healthcare, grocery stores, banking and financial services, utilities, child care for essential service employees, and government services.
    • Churches are considered essential and are allowed to conduct services. Churches are still encouraged to continue offering services online as well, to blunt the sread of the coronavirus.  Congregants are also to continue practicing social distancing by maintaining 6ft of distance. 
Please review this press release from the Governor for more information.
At a press conference yesterday, Harris County Judge Hidalgo announced:
  • The Stay Home-Work Safe order will be extended through April 30th.
    • Our current social distancing measures are working, but public health experts expect the peak of the outbreak will end in about 4 weeks.  If we do not continue practicing social distancing, the peak would be pushed out to 8 weeks.
  • During this Stay Home order, Harris County will be releasing non-violent offenders from county jail.
    • A case of COVID-19 was recently confirmed among the inmate population.  Another 12 are experiencing symptoms.
    • This is not a free pass.  The offenders will still face a judge and, if found guilty, will face justice.
    • Offenders charged with violent crimes (or who have a violent history), burglary, and DUI will not be released.
Mayor Turner also announced that the City’s 2nd testing site will up and running today, April 1st.
  • Please call the Health Department’s COVID-19 call center at (832) 393-4220 to be screened and directed to the testing site.
  • As of 03/31, there were an additional 68 positive cases of COVID-19, bringing the City’s total to 377.*
    • a 4th death has been recorded
*Today, the Houston Health Department announced 81 new cases, bringing the City’s total to 458


At City Council earlier today, Mayor Turner made a plea to landlords and management companies in regards to rent: PLEASE WORK WITH TENANTS.  These are trying times for many and the City is asking that a dialogue take place between landlords and tenants to reach workable terms regarding rent payments.

Here were some of the notable Agenda items passed:

  • Item #5 – Approval of Emergency Purchase of Liquid Hand Sanitizer – $64,000
    • In response to the shortage of FDA approved hand sanitizers to address the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the City of Houston
    • Hand sanitizers will be distributed to all major City facilities, outreach stations, and anywhere they are needed
    • The City will set up hand washing stations throughout the City
  • Item #9 – Approval of Creation of a “COVID-19 Disaster Fund”; establishing the sources and uses of the funds therein to aid in the response to the public health emergency pertaining to COVID-19
  • Item #10 – Approval of an amount not to exceed $5,000,000 out of Budget Stabilization Fund and approval of said amount to the COVID-19 Disaster Fund for expenditures related to the Public Health Emergency Response efforts for COVID-19
    • Additional funds are needed to assist with expenditures related to the COVID-19 disaster, including managing, controlling and reducing threats, emergency medical care, medical sheltering, purchase and distribution of emergency consumables, movement of supplies and persons security and law enforcement, communication of general health and safety information, and reimbursement of force account overtime costs.
    • While this funding is expected to be refunded up to 75% by FEMA, the timing of the reimbursement is uncertain.
  • Items #11 & 12 – Approval and authorization of Lease Agreement between 290 Northwest INC and Hazari, LLC as Landlords and the City of Houston as Tenant, for hotel space of 186 guest rooms and associated common space
    • To provide adequate shelter and quarantine sites, and to accommodate those in need of self-quarantine, making various findings and provisions relating to the subject and declaring an emergency
  • Item #16 – Approval of Subrecipient Agreement between City of Houston and Local Initiatives Support Corporation to provide $1,490,395 in Hurricane Harvey Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Funds (CDBG-DR17) for the administration and operation of a Jobs Initiative Program to provide employment and training opportunities to low and moderate income persons
    • to address skills gaps that were created as a result of Harvey
    • will include one-on-one coaching to help clients navigate training opportunities, create resumes, and apply for jobs

Earlier today, Council Member Thomas held virtual meetings with Karya Property Management and Ashford Communities to discuss the current housing situation in Houston amid the coronavirus pandemic, where tenants are experiencing financial hardship.

Both property management companies have told us about how they are working with tenants to get through this tough period:

    • Offered a rent discount of $50 if paid on the first of each month. Approximately 20-50% of renters have received the discount.
    • If you pay between the 1st-3rd, an additional $25 will be discounted.
    • A new letter has been sent out to tenants that explained the discounts. It also urged residents to talk to managers if they have hardships.
      • They are working to make payment plans of 3-6 months for those who have financial hardship.
      • They have also posted job opportunities on social media.
      • Eze Maduforo has compiled a list of nonprofits, and so far, 3-15 per property have taken advantage of the resources.
    • Naushad Ramoly is having a meeting with all Ashford managers every 2 days to get updates.
      • They are requesting documentation from tenants to demonstrate unemployment and hardship.
  • KARYA:
    • Karya Kares is a charity that offers tenants rental assistance through grants:
      • They plan to double their efforts via their charity.
    • Has stated that they are not in the business of removing tenants
      • Rent is due as usual but if individuals are directly affected, tenants are to talk to managers individually so they are not treated unfairly.
    • One form of communication was sent to residents about resources that are in the community around: unemployment, stimulus bill, and organizations that can help.
      • They spent weeks vetting organizations to determine preparedness
United Way of Greater Houston and the Greater Houston Community Foundation are standing together to help support those in our community who have been impacted by COVID-19 and those who may be impacted by unforeseen economic conditions.
HARRIS COUNTY TAX OFFICE Gives Property Owners a Three-Month Break in Delinquent Property Tax Payments due to COVID-19
The PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS has announced an order that service providers must suspend disconnections for customers who are in danger of losing power, water, and sewer service.  For more information, please review the PUC’s press release and FAQs for this order.
The TEXAS COMPTROLLER’S OFFICE announced that they are offering assistance to businesses that are struggling to pay the full amount of sales taxes they collected in February, in the form of short-term payment agreements and, in most instances, waivers of penalties and interest.

Beginning Monday, March 30, METRO is making more adjustments to its bus and rail schedules to continue to provide the highest level of service possible. The modified schedule will maintain service throughout the region with some possible delays.  All Park & Ride routes, except those serving the Texas Medical Center, are suspended.