On behalf of Brian Imiola, Regional Disaster Officer

Harris County Territory Disaster Team,

I hope your new year is off to a great start – 2017 looks like an exciting year ahead for the team and one in which we truly need your support to serve our communities to the very best we can.

Please mark your calendars for Jan 30th at 7 PM for the first ever Harris County Disaster Team Meeting – This meeting is for ALL Disaster Team Members in Harris County. The meeting will take place on the 3rd floor of the disaster building, 2700 SW FWY, Houston. Click here to RSVP.

Key topics we’ll cover will include:

  • Plans for Feb and March – see below for a snapshot of what is going on in the territory and the Region for Jan, Feb, March
  • How you can help your community prepare for and respond to spring storm season
  • An update on our meeting with the new Houston Fire Chief
  • An update on the hiring of a new Disaster Program Manager for your territory

The 3 teams will then break off to discuss team specific matters.

I very much hope to see you at the meeting and I ask you to encourage your fellow team members to attend as well.

In the meantime, please see the upcoming highlights that you may be interested in:
JAN/FEB – HFPC focus – goal of 2000 smoke alarms installed (Region Wide)
Spring Storm Joint Planning with partners
28 JAN – Disaster Frontline Supervisor Training in Houston
31 JAN ALL Staff – Disaster Meeting, Public affairs training
1-2 FEB – Regional Training for Managers (supports self-sufficiency as we grow managers from supervisors)
2-5 FEB – Standby support to Super bowl (Mass Casualty)
6-9 FEB – Regional External Relations Exercise (SWARM) – roster of participants to be published shortly.
11-12 FEB – Logistics Institute Training in Houston.
March – Advanced/Basic Instructor Training

If you have questions on these events, prior to the Jan. 30th meeting, please reach out to one of your territory’s Disaster Program Specialists ([email protected] or [email protected]).