HOUSTON – With less than 30 days until Alief students return to the classroom, the Alief Community School Supply Drive, is underway. The drive runs August 1 through August 15. Heads UP Houston has set a visionary goal to support Alief and all local Houston communities maximize the capacity of all people through all things.
Alief is one of Houston’s most densely populated communities. Of the total 48,000 Alief ISD student population, many live in apartment communities; there are over 250 total apartment communities in the AISD service area. Alief ISDs student population consists of approximately 32% African American and 50% Hispanic/Latino. Of the AISD student population, 83% come from economically disadvantaged homes. Alief and Southwest Houston are subject to high gang activity and considered unsafe areas by the Houston Police Department. Research shows that “youth from low-income families engage in more risky behavior, i.e. truancy, sexual relations, and drug use.” Children are influenced by gang members, involved in drugs, crimes and other dangerous behaviors. Our focus is community support through engagement focused on Academic Improvement, Family Involvement, and Wellness for Alief students, parents, and families residing in apartment complexes.
Heads Up Houston is collecting 100 backpacks locally to serve under-supported apartment communities identified by Alief Independent School District.
“Many parents face the heartbreaking reality that they simply cannot afford the supplies their kids need to start the school year,” said Heads UP Houston CEO, Kevin Kebede. “Providing a child with the tools they need to succeed in the classroom can be a life-changing experience. Heads UP Houston is proud to prioritize extending the school day, serving the under-supported and under-represented and providing engagement opportunities of high value to serve families so children start the school year with confidence in their foundation and momentum towards their dreams.”
Some specific goals and outcomes for the 2016-17 school year include:
- Help youth develop confidence and set high goals.
- Prioritize youth education through creating optimal support and development environments aimed to maximize student effort towards academic improvement and achievement.
- Emphasize the critical need for full family engagement and support systems.
- Increase access to value-rich programming in Alief apartment communities.
- Improve student commitment to education and reduced out of school time delinquent behavior.
- Use best practice youth development strategies to promote building positive social, emotional and behavioral competencies.
- Create opportunities to support the less fortunate with access to resources, meals, school supplies, holiday need items and clothing.
To support the Alief Community School Supply Drive August 1-15, feel free to drop off a backpack filled with school supplies at local community locations or make financial contributions to underwrite cost of backpack and AISD recommended supplemental supplies. Please connect with to us via www.headsuphoustontx.org for drop off locations and details on how to make financial donations.
Individuals who would like to volunteer to support local community development should contact Kevin Kebede at 832-607-6557, or Kevink@headsuphoustontx.org.
Many thanks to the Peters Family, the Sandles Family, the Soleil Foundation, 5Works, Alief ISD, and the Kingsley Foundation for their lead contributions and support. Follow our Commit to a Spirit of Appreciation Campaign on Instagram
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