The Houston Bike Plan team is excited to announce the release of the Draft Houston Bike Plan for community feedback!
The Mayor’s Press Release for the Draft Houston Bike Plan can be found online.
Several online tools and activities are available to gather community feedback on the Houston Bike Plan website at The Bike Plan website includes:
- An Interactive Plan Walkthrough of the draft Bike Plan,
- Draft Plan and Network Maps,
- Brief Survey and Interactive Map for public feedback,
- A draft letter of support for individuals and for organizations to submit to the Mayor and Council Members, and
- A calendar of meetings and events where the Bike Plan will be presented. Please consider attending a CIP meeting in your area where the Bike Plan will be presented to the public.
The Houston Bike Plan Team needs your help with the community outreach efforts. We are asking the BAC to help promote the Houston Bike Plan at a minimum of 2 community events in your area over the next couple of months. Events may be small community meetings or large public events. Promotion of the Bike Plan can be a brief presentation or simply handing out materials at community meetings and events in your area. We also ask that you share the information provided by Mayor Turner’s press release, the Houston Bikeways Program Facebook page, and other social media outlets to your email lists and social media accounts. The Houston Bike Plan Team will assist you in these efforts by providing you with a presentation with talking points, maps, brochures, comment cards, and other promotional materials, including the recommended content for email blasts, Facebook, and Twitter posts.
We are accepting public feedback on the draft Plan through Monday, April 11, 2016.
Please let us know the information about the community events you plan to attend by completing this online survey. Alternatively, you can email the event information to
We greatly appreciate your willingness to participate on the Bicycle Advisory Committee and to help promote the Houston Bike Plan. We look forward to hearing from you soon!
The Houston Bike Plan Team
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