Houston Planning Commission to hold a public hearing on Plan Houston
Houston is adopting its first general plan known as Plan Houston. Plan Houston describes a vision for Houston’s future and identifies the policies, plans, and programs that represent the City’s strategies for achieving that vision. Visit the website at http://planhouston.org/ for more information.
This plan is the result of significant public input – many Houstonians contributed their thoughts and ideas about Houston’s future. There is still time for you to join the conversation. We want to hear from you!
Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on Plan Houston:
August 20, 2015
2:30 p.m.
City Council Annex Chambers
900 Bagby
Even if you can’t attend the public hearing, we want your ideas. You can send comments to PlanHouston@houstontx.gov.
Mapping Coordination Tool
Plan Houston will also feature a mapping coordination tool. This tool will enable citizens, community groups, government agencies, or developers to see what has been planned for a certain area of town. Having access to these plans will improve coordination, and enhance the ability for these groups to work together to achieve local goals. That allows you to look at what existing plans may be in effect in your area.
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