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Houston Council Member
District F


City Hall Annex
900 Bagby, First Floor

Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 832-393-3002

District F Map
District F

Online water/wastewater payment


Public Works and Engineering, Utility Customer Service, is pleased to offer you various payment options to pay your utility accounts online. 

Stop Houston Gangs


The Stop Houston Gangs Task Force, has created a website to educate the public about criminal gangs and to provide a way for residents to safely report tips to thwart the potential threat.

Online Police Reports


Houston citizens can file police reports from home, work, or anywhere with Internet access.

BARC Pet Adoptions 



The adoption fee for a dog or cat is $75.00. This fee includes the cost of surgical sterilization (spay/neuter) of the animal, vaccinations, and other necessary medical services while the animal has been in the care of BARC. The fee also includes the first year’s city license.

Helpful City Contacts 


Houston Help & Information

3-1-1 or 713-837-0311


Animal Control (BARC)



Dept. of Neighborhoods 



HPD (non-emergency)



Mayor’s Office



Parks Department 



Permitting Center



Public Works & Engineering 832-395-2511


Solid Waste Management 


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Dear Residents and Friends of District F,


A lot has been happening in District F this summer. Several projects are underway and a couple of more are expected to kick off in just a few months. While I am thrilled with these projects, our office continues to advocate and push for more infrastructure improvements throughout the district. 


I also remain committed to bring to fruition a new Alief regional library at the Alief Park Community Center. As many of us know, Henington-Alief Library has been in need of serious expansion for quite some time. Unfortunately, due to land constraints at the current location, we cannot expand too much beyond the existing footprint. My plan would maximize public resources by constructing a new state-of-the-art library and renovating parts of the existing community center at Alief park. This would be a library, community center and park at one location. 


I continue to gain support for this on city council, and will work with the administration and others to secure the necessary funds. So far, we have identified over $8 million (park and library-specific funds) that could be used for this proposed project and even more could come if voters approve a public improvement bond package in November. 


Briarmeadow Park Improvements

City council approved funding for improvements at Briarmeadow Park (formerly in District G) early last month. The community has worked hard for years to secure these funds and transform the park. I would like to thank the Briarmeadow residents and HOA as well as former District G Council Member Pam Holm and Oliver Pennington for laying the groundwork.


The scope of work includes construction of a new concrete sidewalk, concrete plaza, decomposed granite trail, new tennis courts and new playground, as well as overlay of the existing parking lot, new entry fencing, new picnic shelter, site furniture, site grading and drainage, irrigation and tree planting. Work began July 23 and is scheduled to be completed by early 2013.


Dairy Ashford Improvements

Public Works will be performing maintenance on Dairy Ashford from Buffalo Bayou to Beechnut during the next six months. Due to varying levels of deterioration caused by different traffic volumes along Dairy Ashford, the project has been broken into three segments (listed below) for maintenance. From north to south, traffic volumes decrease from approximately 33,500 to 19,000 vehicles per day. As you would expect, street degradation is worst north of Westheimer where higher traffic volumes exist, while the southern section is in fairly good shape with only spot repairs necessary. 


Buffalo Bayou to Westheimer: This section is planned for panel replacement and concrete repair. Pedestrian ramps will also be upgraded as needed to meet ADA requirements. This work is currently underway.


Westheimer to Westpark Toll: This section is planned for multi-panel replacement and concrete point repair. This work is planned to be accomplished by December 2012.


Westpark Toll to Beechnut: In solid shape. However, there are a few spot areas that have degraded and will be repaired to maintain the overall section at a good condition. For each identified spot either a panel replacement or concrete patch is planned. Work will be completed by December 2012.


Beechnut Reconstruction

As I have mentioned before, Beechnut reconstruction from Wilcrest to S. Kirkwood (the portion in District F) should be underway by the end of the year. As most of us who travel this stretch know, Beechnut has deteriorated beyond the point of repair and normal maintenance. Reconstruction will greatly improve traffic circulation, mobility and drainage in the area. 


I will have updates on this and other projects in upcoming newsletters. 





Al Hoang  

Houston Council Member
District F



Bellaire Reconstruction

Bellaire reconstruction is set to begin before the end of the month. The project consists of the complete reconstruction of Bellaire Boulevard from Rogerdale to Osage, and will include concrete roadways with curb and gutter, sidewalks, drainage improvements, along with underground utilities and landscaping.

The project is expected to last 18 to 24 months. Work will typically take place Monday through Saturday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.  Work will halt around the winter holiday season between:

  • Dec. 15, 2012 – Feb. 18, 2013
  • Dec. 14, 2013 – Feb. 10, 2014

All major intersections will remain open and driveway access to homes and businesses will be maintained. The contractor, Total Contracting Limited, will notify homeowners and businesses in advance should driveway access be temporarily limited or before planned utility disruptions.


The contractor will be communicating with all property owners and tenants who are in the construction zone in the coming weeks. Representatives will be going door-to-door to distribute information packets and collect contact information for future communication, notices and updates.



Routine Issues or General Questions

  • 311 or 713-837-0311

Emergency / Construction Related Issues

  • Contractor (Total Contracting Limited) Representative

Project Manager:    Moises Ayala      832-262-0221 (c)

Superintendent:      Luke Morganti     832-265-7470 (c)

  • City Representatives

Project Manager:    Jody Craze          832-395-2392 (o)

Senior Inspector:    Mike Beezley       281-217-3446 (c)

Inspector:               Donald Johnson   713-376-4960 (c)

Inspector:               Art Becker           713-562-3943 (c)


For more information visit the District F website at www.HoustonTX.gov/Council/F/BellaireReconstruction. To sign up to receive regular updates visit www.BellaireConstructionProject.com.




Wherever you go you can now search for books, DVDs, audiobooks, and ebooks, and place holds or renew items – all from your mobile device! You can also check out HPL’s latest reading recommendations, speak with a librarian, find out about upcoming library events or classes, or follow HPL’s blog and tweets. Simply look for the free app in your app store and download it.  


“This is an exciting new tool that will expand the way Houstonians, especially tech-savvy young people, access our library,” said Council Member Al Hoang.


Using the app is quick and easy. No need to search by field or even enter full words. Just type the first couple of letters of words and see the search in action. Or if you see something you like in a bookstore and wonder if HPL has it in their collection, just scan the ISBN number with your phone and the app searches HPL’s catalog for you.


For more information visit www.houstonlibrary.org/hpl-mobile-app.



New HPD vehiclesHouston Police Chief Charles A. McClelland, Jr., announced HPD’s patrol vehicles will soon sport a more traditional black and white color scheme.  In addition, several vehicles of different makes and models are being tested for consideration as a replacement to the current Ford Crown Victoria, which Ford will no longer manufacture. 


The vehicles under consideration include the Ford Interceptor, Dodge Charger, Chevrolet Caprice and Tahoe.


“The Ford Crown Victoria is no longer being manufactured so we were forced to look at other options. This was a good opportunity and transition point for us to go to a classic police car and follow professional standards around the country,” Chief McClelland said. 


New HPD vehicle 2 It is estimated the conversion for the entire HPD fleet will take about two years. During that time, some patrol vehicles with the original blue and white banner will still be in circulation. The transition is being paid for by forfeiture assets, so no cost to taxpayers.


http://conservation.publicworks.houstontx.gov/After careful review of how the ordinance worked and how it was received during last year’s drought, the city of Houston Public Works and Engineering Department is proposing revisions to the water shortages ordinance. 


The changes will provide for more effective water management and clearer guidance regarding implementation of temporary restrictions during a future drought. The revisions include :

  • Consistency of definition
  • Progressive response stages
  • Strengthened enforcement tools

To see the current ordinance, visit review the current COH Code of Ordinances Chapter 47, Article VII .


To see the proposed changes, visit review the draft version of Chapter 47, Article II.


To share your thoughts and ideas, visit the Public Work’s comments pageThe deadline for submitting comments is Friday, Aug. 17, 2012. If you need further information about this effort, contact Alvin Wright at alvin.wright@houstontx.gov or 832-395-2455.


The proposed revisions are consistent with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality’s (TCEQ) Drought Contingency Plan requirements. These amendments support the city’s efforts to address water shortages and enhance efforts during emergencies.