
JULY 2012

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Houston Council Member
District F


City Hall Annex
900 Bagby, First Floor

Houston, TX 77002
Tel: 832.393.3002

District F Map
District F

Online water/wastewater payment


Public Works and Engineering, Utility Customer Service, is pleased to offer you various payment options to pay your utility accounts online. 

Stop Houston Gangs


The Stop Houston Gangs Task Force, has created a website to educate the public about criminal gangs and to provide a way for residents to safely report tips to thwart the potential threat.

Online Police Reports


Houston citizens can file police reports from home, work, or anywhere with Internet access.

BARC Pet Adoptions 



The adoption fee for a dog or cat is $75.00. This fee includes the cost of surgical sterilization (spay/neuter) of the animal, vaccinations, and other necessary medical services while the animal has been in the care of BARC. The fee also includes the first year’s city license.

Helpful City Contacts 


Houston Help & Information

3-1-1 or 713.837.0311


Animal Control (BARC)



Dept. of Neighborhoods 832.393.1038


HPD (non-emergency)



Mayor’s Office



Parks Department 



Permitting Center



Public Works & Engineering 832.395.2511


Solid Waste Management 713.956.6589

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Dear Residents and Friends of District F,


Houston City Council awarded the $25 million Bellaire Boulevard reconstruction project to Total Contracting Limited last week, which was the last step before construction begins in August.


The project consists of the complete reconstruction of Bellaire from Rogerdale to Osage streets. Improvements will include concrete roadways with curb and gutter, sidewalks, drainage improvements, along with underground utilities. Total Contracting Limited has been given 730 calendar days to complete the project.


Public Meetings Scheduled

As I previously mentioned, Council Member Laster and I will be hosting two public meetings with the Department of Public Works for residents and businesses in the construction zone that may be temporarily inconvenienced by the work. The meetings will be held on:


Tuesday, July 10 (Primarily for residents)

6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Sharpstown Community Center

6600 Harbor Town

Houston, TX 77036


Thursday, July 12 (Primarily for the business community)

6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Chinese Community Center

9800 Town Park

Houston, TX 77036


Briarmeadow Park Improvements

City Council is expected to vote tomorrow to approve funding for major improvements at Briarmeadow Park. I am confident council will approve this long-awaited project. I will have more information in next month’s newsletter.


Nuisance Properties in Alief Area

I would like to thank the Department of Neighborhoods’ Inspection and Public Service Division for working so diligently to investigate private property nuisance complaints in the Alief area.


Because of the procedures necessary to provide due process to a property owner in a nuisance abatement case, these issues can take a good amount of time to fully resolve. I commend Chief Inspector Mayra Hypolite and her inspectors for staying on top of these cases and keeping our office updated on their progress. I can tell you that the entire team responsible for our area is committed to protecting our neighborhoods.


Problem Nightclubs, Bars

Our office received several complaints about Score’s Cabaret near Westpark and Tanglewilde after a deadly shooting last week. We have expressed our concern about this club, and others like it, to the city’s Legal Department and HPD and will be meeting with them to discuss possible action the city and community can take to protest problem nightclubs.


I encourage residents to continue reporting public intoxication, loud music and other nuisances from clubs or their patrons, to HPD by calling 713-884-3131. In addition, please consider filing complaints with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC). A record of valid complaints against a TABC-licensed location can help form a case for revoking or denying an alcohol permit for unlawful behavior.


Finally, I hope everyone has a fun and safe Fourth of July!





Al Hoang  

Houston Council Member
District F




2012 Freedom Over Texas

Fireworks will ignite the sky and tunes will set the stage for an extraordinary patriotic celebration at the city’s official Fourth of July event, Southwest Airlines Freedom Over Texas.


Festival activities begin at 4 p.m. and country music artists Billy Currington and Sara Evans will take the stage at 8 p.m. The night will culminate at 9:35 p.m. with a spectacular fireworks show that will light up the downtown skyline.


Tickets to the event are $8 per person (children 5 and under free). Reliant will offer current customers two free tickets to the event, or a 50% discount on two tickets for non-Reliant customers.


For a complete list of performers and activities for the entire family visit www.FreedomOverTexas.org.



It's HotThe hot days of summer are here. The Houston Department of Health and Human Services (HDHHS) reminds you to take precautions against high heat and humidity to prevent heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The following tips can help you prevent heat-related illnesses:

  • Drink more water. Drink lots of liquids even before you get thirsty, but avoid those with caffeine, alcohol or large amounts of sugar because these can actually result in the loss of body fluid.
  • Leave any outdoor work or exercise for early in the morning or evening when it is cooler. If you are an outdoor worker, drink plenty of water or electrolyte-replacement beverages and take frequent breaks in the shade or in an air-conditioned building. If you are not used to working or exercising in a hot environment, start slowly and gradually increase heat exposure over several weeks.
  • Wear light-colored, loose fitting clothing that permits sweat to evaporate.
  • Do not leave children, senior citizens or pets unattended in a vehicle.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat to help prevent sunburn as well as heat-related illness. Wearing sunscreen also protects you from the sun’s harmful rays and reduces the risk of sunburn.
  • If your house is not air-conditioned, seek shelter in air-conditioned facilities during the heat of the day: multi-service centers, malls, movie theaters, libraries, etc. Take frequent cool baths or showers if your home is not air-conditioned.
  • Stay alert to heat advisories. The National Weather Service declares a Heat Emergency when the heat index, a computation of the air temperature and humidity, reaches 108 degrees on two or more consecutive days. A heat index of 108 is a potential health threat for everyone and is particularly dangerous for high-risk groups.
HDHHS recommends that the elderly, a population especially vulnerable to high temperatures, ask relatives, friends or neighbors to visit them regularly and check on them for signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke. It takes the aged nearly twice the time of younger people to return to core body temperature after exposure to extreme temperatures.


Others who are particularly vulnerable include infants and children up to four years of age, those who are overweight and people with heart and respiratory problems.



Hobby Baggage Customers at William P. Hobby Airport (HOU) will see a dramatic difference the next time they visit the airport’s brand new baggage claim area. It is the same footprint as the original baggage claim area that has been in use since the airport opened in 1965. However, the new space utlitizes an open concept, making the space look larger and much brighter. Some of the upgrades include :

  • Upgraded baggage conveyors
  • Longer baggage conveyors
  • Terrazzo flooring
  • Upgraded lighting
  • Brighter finishes
  • New larger restrooms in the area
  • New rental car counters

During the renovation, crews removed the old green tile floors, wooden lockers and baggage conveyors.


The completion of the new baggage claim area represents a major step forward in the progression of renovations at Hobby Airport. So far, there have been new ticket counters added, lobby improvements and artwork. Next up is the re-opening of the U-Ramp that has been closed since last year, which is scheduled for August 2012.


For more information on the construction at Hobby Airport, visit www.fly2houston.com/ProjectHobby. To view additional photos of the new baggage claim area, visit www.Flickr.com/HoustonAirports.


Hurricane season is here. Now is the time to get prepared. Here are some simple steps you can take to help ensure your safety and the safety of your loved ones in the event of a hurricane: 


STAY INFORMED by listening to announcements of local emergency officials, and follow their instructions (88.7FM & 740AM are the designated Emergency Alert Stations for the Houston area).

MAKE A PLAN of action for any emergency. If you must relocate, have a predetermined destination, route and alternate route — whether out of the area or to the nearest shelter. 

BUILD A KIT including the following emergency supplies:

  • Non-perishable foods & water — enough for 5 to 7 days
  • Portable radio with extra batteries 
  • Flashlights and extra batteries
  • First-aid kit, along with any prescription medicine
  • Special items for babies and the elderly
  • Toiletries / Hygiene items / Moisture wipes
  • Cash (some small bills) — Banks / ATMs may not be available for extended periods
  • Vehicle fuel tanks filled
  • Pet care items

If you are ordered to evacuate, or if it is recommended that you do by local officials, you should do so without delay. Evacuation information and contraflow lane maps out of Houston are available on the Texas Department of Transportation website: I-10 ContraflowI-45 ContraflowUS-59 ContraflowUS-290 Contraflow.


You can also register for hurricane evacuation assistance by calling 2-1-1 or filling a transportation assistance registry form online.